@ - Are You There God? It’s Me, @ (by Anika Maculangan)
@ - Mind Palace Music (by Stan Standridge)
A Beacon School - Cola (by Jorge Ivan Velez)
A Country Western - Life On The Lawn (by John Glab)
A Day Without Love - Diary (by Kayla Morgan)
A Deer A Horse - Everything Rots That Is Rotten (by Chanell Noise)
A Giant Dog - Bite (by Ben Hohenstatt)
A Place To Bury Strangers - Synthesizer (by Joseph Mastel)
A. Savage - Several Songs About Fire (by Giliann Karon)
A. Savage - Thawing Dawn (by Dylan Laug)
Abi Ooze - Forestdale Sessions (by Seth Daspit)
Acid Baby Jesus - Lilac Days (by Mike LeSuer)
Acquaintances - 8 1/2 Lives (by Matthew Sigur)
Acrylics - Sinking In (by Mick Reed)
Action Bronson - Cocodrillo Turbo (by Dash Lewis)
Ada Babar & Kasra Kurt - Nino Tomorrow (by Nathan Springer)
Addy - Eclipse (by Maria Lewczyk)
Adeline Hotel - Whodunnit (by Aly Eleanor)
Adrianne Lenker - Abysskiss (by Dylan Pennell)
Adrianne Lenker - Bright Future (by Zak Mercado)
Adrianne Lenker - instrumentals (by Hayden Godfrey)
Adrianne Lenker - songs (by Hayden Godfrey)
ADT - Insecurities (by Andrew Hertzberg)
Advertisement - American Advertisement (by Álvaro Molina)
African Head Charge - A Trip To Bolgatanga (by Álvaro Molina)
Airhead DC - Busted Sermon (by Hayden Godfrey)
Al Green - Call Me (50th Anniversary) (by David Lefkowitz)
Al Menne - Freak Accident (by Jare C)
The Alchemist - Flying High (by Justin Davis)
Alex G - Beach Music (by Julia Leiby)
Alex G - God Save The Animals (by Myles Tiessen)
Alex G - House of Sugar (by Evan Welsh)
Alex G - Rocket (by David Anthony)
Alexalone - Alexaloneworld (by Matty McPherson)
Alexander - Lucky Life (by John Golden)
Alexander - Wonderland (by Tom Alexander)
Algae Dust & Hennen - Algae Dust // Hennen (by Kris Handel)
Alien Boy - Don’t Know What I Am (by Zach Zollo)
Alien Nosejob - The Derivative Sounds Of... Or... A Dog Always Returns To Its Vomit (by Julianne Akers)
Alien Nosejob - Once Again The Present Becomes The Past (by Conor Lochrie)
Alien Nosejob - Suddenly Everything Is Twice as Loud (by Conor Lochrie)
All Feels - This Place Is A Message (by Mark Gurarie)
All People - All People (by Glennon F. Curran)
Allegra - My Legs Are Growing (by Niccolo Dante Porcello)
Allegra Krieger - Fragile Plane: B-Sides (by Shea Roney)
Allegra Krieger - I Keep My Feet on the Fragile Plane (by Ljubinko Zivkovic)
Allegra Krieger - The Joys of Forgetting (by Jeff Laughlin)
Alright - I’m Doing This To Myself (by Jeff Yerger)
Alvvays - Antisocialites (by Allison Kridle)
Alvvays - Blue Rev (by Benji Heywood)
Amanda X - Giant (by Ilya Sitnikov)
Amar Lal - Gardening (by Aly Eleanor)
Amber Arcades - Barefoot On Diamond Road (by Hayden Merrick)
Amen Dunes - Freedom (by Andrew Hertzberg)
American Pleasure Club - A Whole Fucking Lifetime Of This (by Gordon Phillips)
Amiture - Mother Engine (by Devin Birse)
Amy O - Mirror, Reflect (by Tim Buck)
Amyl and the Sniffers - Live at the Croxton (by Conor Lochrie)
Anamon - Purple, Green, and Yellow (by Kris Handel)
Andy Shauf - The Party (by Julia Leiby)
Aneurysm - Awareness (by Michael Kemp)
Angel Olsen - Aisles (by Ali C)
Angel Olsen - All Mirrors (by Evan Welsh)
Angel Olsen - Big Time (by Dominic Acito)
Angel Olsen - Forever Means (by Dana Poland)
Angel Olsen - My Woman (by Max Freedman)
Angel Olsen - Phases (by Dylan Pennell)
Angel Olsen - Whole New Mess (by Kris Handel)
Animal Lover - Stay Alive (by Shaina Vriezelaar)
Anjimile - Giver Taker (by Sean Fennell)
Anna Altman - Freightliner (by Sean Deveney)
Anna Burch - If You’re Dreaming (by Shane O’Malley Firek)
Anna Burch - Quit The Curse (by Kris Handel)
Anna McClellan - Electric Bouquet (by Dan Goldin)
Anna McClellan - Fire Flames (by Cole Kinsler)
Anna McClellan - I Saw First Light (by Reggie Bender)
Anna McClellan - Yes And No (by Drew Boston)
Apex Manor - Heartbreak City (by Matthew Sigur)
April Magazine - If The Ceiling Were A Kite: Vol. 1 (by Charles Davis)
April Magazine - Sunday Music For An Overpass (by Conor Lochrie)
Arbor Labor Union - I Hear You (by Quentin Gibeau)
Arbor Labor Union - New Petal Instants (by Lydia Pudzianowski)
Arbor Labor Union - Yonder (by Scott Yohe)
Arc Flash - Carbon Copy (by Jen Bender)
Armand Hammer - We Buy Diabetic Test Strips (by Jordan Michael)
Armand Hammer & The Alchemist - Haram (by Charles Davis)
The Armed - Everlasting Gaze (by Jonah Evans)
The Armed - Only Love (by Ian Feigle)
The Armed - ULTRAPOP (by Zach Zollo)
Artsick - Fingers Crossed (by Kris Handel)
a.s.o. - a.s.o. (by Dom Lepore)
Astrel K - Flickering i (by Benji Heywood)
Astrel K - The Foreign Department (by Zak Mercado)
Attia Taylor - Space Ghost (by Ljubinko Zivkovic)
Aunt Katrina - Hot (by Sara Mae)
Ausmuteants - Band of the Future (by Joe Gutierrez)
Autolux - Pussy's Dead (by Emma Behnke)
Ava Luna - Moon 2 (by Dalvin Oboagye)
Ava Luna - Pigments (by Matthew Hirsch)
Axis: Sova - Motor Earth (by Kat Harding)
Aye Nako - Silver Haze (by David Anthony)
B Boys - Dada (by Michael Gusev)
Babehoven - Demonstrating Visible Differences of Height (by Wade Phillips)
Babehoven - Light Moving Time (by Shea Roney)
Babehoven - Nastavi, Calliope (by Matt Watton)
Babehoven - Sleep (by Lydia Pudzianowski)
Babehoven - Sunk (by Ljubinko Zivkovic)
Babehoven - Water’s Here In You (by Kris Handel)
Babehoven - Yellow Has A Pretty Good Reputation (by Lydia Pudzianowski)
babybaby_explores - Food Near Me, Weather Tomorrow (by Kevin Crandall)
Bachelor - Doomin’ Sun (by Sabrina Cofer)
Bad Breeding - Human Capital (by Ross Holder)
Bad History Month - Dead And Loving It: An Introductory Exploration of Pessimysticism (by Quinn Myers)
Bad History Month - God Is Luck (by Benji Heywood)
Bad History Month - Old Blues (by Mariah Noonie)
Bad History Month & Nyxy Nyx - Death Takes A Holiday (by Dominic Acito)
Baked - Farnham (by Kat Harding)
Baked - II (by Kris Handel)
Baked & The Zells - Queensburgh: A Baked & Zells Split (by Scott Yohe)
Balloon Club - Water Songs (by Morgan Troper)
Bambara - Birthmarks (by Devin Birse)
Bambara - Stray (by Jonathan Bannister)
Banana - Post-Grunge Revival (by Sean Deveney)
Bananagun - The True Story of Bananagun (by Conor Lochrie)
Bananagun - Why Is The Colour Of The Sky? (by Ljubinko Zivkovic)
Bangladeafy - Ribboncutter (by Colin Vallee)
Banned Books - Banned Books (by Ivan Krasnov)
Bar Italia - Tracey Denim (by Jade Winings)
Bar Italia - The Tw*ts (by Dom Lepore)
Bar Italia - The Twits (by Myles Tiessen)
Bartees Strange - Live Forever (by Jeff Yerger)
Battle Ave - Battle Ave (by Ljubinko Zivkovic)
Battle Ave - I Saw The Egg (by Scott Yohe)
Be Your Own Pet - Mommy (by Dana Poland)
Beach Fossils - Somersault (by Allison Kridle)
Beak> - >>>> (by Dan Goldin)
Beak> - Life Goes On (by Julian Espinoza)
Beauty Pill - Blue Period (by Emmanuel Castillo)
Beauty Pill - Instant Night (by Ljubinko Zivkovic)
Beauty Pill - Sorry You’re Here (by Ian MacPhee)
Bed Bits - Bed Bits (by John Brouk)
Bedbug - Bedbug (by Devon Chodzin)
Bedbug - Pack Your Bags The Sun Is Growing (by Sara Mae)
Bedroom Eyes - Honeysuckle (by Hannah Liuzzo)
Bee Bee Sea - Sonic Boomerang (by Mike LeSuer)
Beeef - Bull In The Shade (by Kris Handel)
Beige Palace - Leg (by Morgan Greenwood)
Beige Palace - Making Sounds For Andy (by Dan Goldin)
Being Dead - EELS (by Kris Handel)
Being Dead - When Horses Would Run (by Kris Handel)
Ben Seretan - Allora (by Aly Eleanor)
Ben Seretan - Youth Pastoral (by Shane O’Malley Firek)
The Berries - Berryland (by Abigail Miglorie)
The Berries - High Flying Man (by Ross Holder)
Betcover!! - 馬 (Uma) (by Devin Birse)
Beth Gibbons - Lives Outgrown (by Ljubinko Zivkovic)
Bethlehem Steel - Bethlehem Steel (by Morgan Greenwood)
Bethlehem Steel - Docking (by Corey Sustarich)
Bethlehem Steel - Party Naked Forever (by Dylan Pennell)
Beverly Tender - Little Curly/Boy Is A Bird (by Mariah Noonie)
Beverly Tender - Lord Mayor Makes 1,000 Speeches (by Joe Gutierrez)
Beverly Tender - What Have You Done To My Water? (by Jeremy Probst)
Bib - Biblical (by Layton Guyton)
Bib - Moshpit (by Dylan Laug)
Bichkraft - Shadoof (by Jordan Reyes)
Bichkraft - 800 (by Ivan Krasnov)
Big Bite - Big Bite (by Patrick Pilch)
Big Blood - Do You Wanna Have A Skeleton Dream? (by Rockford Rowley)
Big Blood - Weird Road EP (by David Lefkowitz)
Big|Brave - A Chaos of Flowers (by Ljubinko Zivkovic)
Big|Brave - A Gaze Among Them (by Tim Crisp)
Big|Brave - nature morte (by Benji Heywood)
Big|Brave - Vital (by Will Henriksen)
Big|Brave & The Body - Leaving None But Small Birds (by Charles Davis)
Big Business - The Beast You Are (by Jordan J. Michael)
Big Business - Command Your Weather (by Jeremy Zerbe)
Big French - Stone Fish (by Allison Kridle)
Big Girl - Big Girl Vs. God (by Kris Handel)
Big Heet - Yellow Badge (Demos) (by Catherine Vianale)
Big Huge - Cruel World (by Gordon Phillips)
Big Hush - Spirit / Wholes (by Julie Smitka)
Big Hush - Who's Smoking Your Spirit? (by Julia Leiby)
Big Mess - Heroic Captains of Industry (by Chris Coplan)
Big Neck Police - Don't Eat My Friends (by Nathan Springer)
Big Neck Police - Sleight of Time (by Nick Duval)
Big Putts - Prism b/w Donut (by Niccolo Dante Porcello)
Big Thief - Capacity (by Timothy Michalik)
Big Thief - Dragon New Warm Mountain I Believe In You (by Sam Jennings)
Big Thief - U.F.O.F. (by Gianluigi Marsibilio)
Big Ups - Before A Million Universes (by Dan Manning)
Big Ups - Two Parts Together (by Scott Hartge)
Big Walnuts Yonder - Big Walnuts Yonder (by Mike LeSuer)
Bilge Rat - Bilge Rat (by Torrey Proto)
Bilge Rat - Pal (by Torrey Proto)
Bill Callahan - The Holy Grail: Bill Callahan’s "Smog" Dec. 10, 2001 Peel Session (by Christopher J. Lee)
Billiam - Animation Cel (by John Glab)
billy woods - Aethiopes (by Benji Heywood)
billy woods - Known Unknowns (by Mike LeSuer)
Bingo Fury - Bats Feet For A Widow (by Devin Birse)
Birds of Maya - Valdez (by Charles Davis)
Biroshka - Brickbat (by Jonathan Bannister)
Birthday Ass - Head of the Household (by Zach Zollo)
Birthing Hips - No Sorry (by Phillipe Roberts)
Birthing Hips - Urge to Merge (by Joe Gutierrez)
Björk - Utopia (by Dylan Pennell)
The Black Angels - Wilderness of Mirrors (by Jordan Michael)
Black Beach - Tapeworm (by Chanell Noise)
Black Country, New Road - Ants From Up There (by David Wilikofsky)
Black Country, New Road - For The First Time (by Alyana Vera)
Black Country, New Road - Live at Bush Hall (by George Harry James)
Black Curse - Burning In Celestial Poison (by Devon Chodzin)
Black Ends - Psychotic Spew (by Matt Watton)
Black Ends - Stay Evil (by Wade Phillips)
Black Midi - Cavalcade (by Matty McPherson)
Black Midi - Hellfire (by Matty McPherson)
Black Midi - Schlagenheim (by Ian Feigle)
Black Nash - Black Nash (by Kris Handel)
Black Sabbath - Paranoid (50th Anniversary Edition) (by Conor Lochrie)
Black Thought & Danger Mouse - Cheat Codes (by Jordan Michael)
Black Thought & El Michels Affair - Glorious Game (by Calvin Staropoli)
Blacker Face - Distinctive Juju (by Mick Reed)
Blacklisters - Adult (by Chris Harris)
Blacklisters - Auf Dem Tisch (by Dan Goldin)
Blacklisters - Dart (by Mike LeSuer)
Blazar - Reach Out (by Thrin Vianale)
Bleary Eyed - Bleary Eyed (by Jade Winings)
Bleary Eyed - Spectre Run (by Julian Rosen)
Bless - Bless (by Theodore Rowe)
Blessed - Circuitous (by Benji Heywood)
Blessed - II (by Max Freedman)
Blessed - III (by Nick Webber)
Blessed - Salt (by Chris Jones)
Blonde Redhead - Sit Down For Dinner (by Anika Maculangan)
Blonde Revolver - Good Girls Go To Heaven, Bad Girls Go Everywhere (by Kris Handel)
Blood - Why Wait Till’55, We Might Not Even Be Alive (by Shane O’Malley Firek)
Bloodslide - Bloodslide (by Ryan Meyer)
Bloody Head - Perpetual Eden (by Klaudio Krstić)
Blowdryer - Blowdryer (by Myles Dunhill)
Blue Smiley - Ok (by Zak Krone)
Blue Smiley - Return (by Nathan Springer)
Blush - Blush (by Eli Enis)
Bnny - One Million Love Songs (by Shea Roney)
Bodega - Broken Equipment (by Kris Handel)
Bodega - Endless Scroll (by Louis Marrone)
Boldy James & The Alchemist - Super Tecmo Bo (by Dash Lewis)
Bonny Doon - Bonny Doon (by Connor Bush)
Bonny Doon - Longwave (by Joe Gutierrez)
Bonzo - The Dwelling (by Sarah Kimura)
Bonzo - With Your Belly (by Jorge Velez)
Booji Boys - Unknown Pleathers (by Matt Keim)
Boon - All of us Laughing (by Abbie Jones)
Boris - NO (by Andy Ciardella)
Boris - Pink (Deluxe Edition) (by Jeremy Zerbe)
Boris - W (by Devon Chodzin)
Boris & Uniform - Bright New Disease (by Jordan Michael)
Borzoi - Neither The One Nor The Other, But A Mockery Of Both (by Dan Goldin)
Borzoi - A Prayer For War (by Hugo Reyes)
The Boys With The Perpetual Nervousness - Songs From Another Life (by Morgan Troper)
Brainiac - The Predator Nominate EP (by Jon Shina)
Brandon Can't Dance - Graveyard of Good Times (by Torrey Proto)
The Breeders - All Nerve (by Jasmine Bourgeois)
The Breeders - Last Splash (30th Anniversary Edition) (by Dana Poland)
BRICK HEAD - Bricks For Brains (by Dan Goldin)
Brigid Dawson & The Mothers Network - Ballet of Apes (by Charles Davis)
Brittle Brian - Biodiesel (by Kris Handel)
BRNDA - Thanks For Playing (by Connor McInerney)
Broadcast - Maida Vale Sessions (by Heather Williams)
Broadcast - Mother Is The Milky Way (Reissue) (by Cole Makuch)
Broadcast - Spell Blanket - Collected Demos 2006-2009 (by Zak Mercado)
Broncho - Bad Behavior (by Allison Kridle)
Bruiser and Bicycle - Woods Come Find Me (by Sarah Knoll)
Buck Gooter - 100 Bells (by Stephen Veith)
Bueno - I Was A Thing Of Beauty (by Christopher J. Lee)
Bueno - Illuminate Your Room (by Max Freedman)
Buffet Lunch - The Power of Rocks (by Scott Yohe)
Bugg - Bugg (by Dylan Laug)
Buice - One Day You’ll See The Sun (by Devin Birse)
Buildings - Negative Sound (by Aly Eleanor)
Built to Spill - Built to Spill Plays The Songs of Daniel Johnston (by Conor Lochrie)
Built to Spill - There's Nothing Wrong With Love (reissue) (by Joe Gutierrez)
Built to Spill - When The Wind Forgets Your Name (by Travis Shosa)
Bully - Sugaregg (by Eric Bennett)
Bummer - Holy Terror (by Brian Manley)
Bursting - Bursting EP (by Patrick Pilch)
Bush Tetras - Rhythm and Paranoia: The Best of Bush Tetras (by Matty McPherson)
Bush Tetras - Take The Fall (by Brian Manley)
Butthole Surfers - Locust Abortion Technician (reissue) (by Kenny Ramos)
Cable Ties - Far Enough (by Jonathan Bannister)
Caddywhompus - Odd Hours (by Alexus Davis)
Cafe Racer - Shadow Talk (by Fritz Ortman)
Cal Fish - Cassette Traveler (by Jordan Reyes)
Cal Fish - Plastic Flag (by Conor Lochrie)
Calgrove - Wind Vane (by Joe Gutierrez)
Califone - Villagers (by Dana Poland)
Calyx - Stay Gone (by Hugo Reyes)
Cameron Winter - Heavy Metal (by Harrison Knight)
Camp Howard - Juice (by Stephen Veith)
Can - Live In Stuttgart 1975 (by Will Henriksen)
Candy Andy / Crimson Blue - You & Me (by Max Goldstein)
Candy Claws - Ceres & Calypso in the Deep Time (10th Year Anniversary Edition) (by Calvin Staropoli)
Car Seat Headrest - Making A Door Less Open (by Conor Lochrie)
Car Seat Headrest - Teens of Denial (by Cole Kinsler)
Car Seat Headrest - Teens of Style (by Aimee Lin)
Cardinality - Cardinality (by Matthew Hirsch)
Carlos Hernandez - On Folly (by Kris Handel)
Caroline Davis & Wendy Eisenberg - Accept When (by Aly Eleanor)
Cartalk - Pass Like Pollen (by Eric Bennett)
Cassandra Jenkins - An Overview on Phenomenal Nature (by Dominic Acito)
Cassandra Jenkins - My Light, My Destroyer (by Caroline Nieto)
The Casual Dots - Sanguine Truth / The Casual Dots (by Emma Ingrisani)
Cat Be Damned - Daydreams In A Roach Motel (by Rob Arcand)
Cate Le Bon - Pompeii (by Matty McPherson)
Cate Le Bon - Reward (by Max Kaplan)
Cate Le Bon & Bradford Cox - Myths 004 (by Max Kaplan)
Caustic Wound - Death Posture (by Mick Reed)
Caution - Arcola (by Kris Handel)
Cave In - Final Transmission (by Jonathan Bannister)
Cavity Kids - Cavity Kids (by Jordan Weinstock)
Celebration Guns - The Me That Used To Be (by Alex Wexelman)
Cende - #1 Hit Single (by David Anthony)
Cende - EP (by Ronnie Francisco)
Central Heat Exchange - Central Heat Exchange (by Conor Lochrie)
Century Egg - Little Piece of Hair (by Patrick Pilch)
CFM - Still Life of Citrus and Slime (by Niko Nygard)
Chaepter - Naked Era (by Layton Guyton)
Chain and the Gang - Experimental Music (by Quinn Myers)
Charlène Darling - La Porte (by Ljubinko Zivkovic)
Charles Joseph Smith - War of the Martian Ghosts (by Andrew Hertzberg)
Chastity Belt - Chastity Belt (by Erin Bensinger)
Chastity Belt - I Used To Spend So Much Time Alone (by Niccolo Dante Porcello)
Chastity Belt - Live Laugh Love (by Gabriel Karkovsky)
Chat Pile - Cool World (by Rainy Maple Sugar Candy)
Chat Pile - God’s Country (by Benji Heywood)
Chat Pile - Tenkiller Motion Picture Soundtrack (by Will Floyd)
Chat Pile & Nerver - Brothers In Christ (by Selina Yang)
Che Noir - The Color Chocolate Vol. 1 (by Eric Foreman)
Che Noir - The Last Remnants (by René Cobar)
Cheatahs - Mythologies (by Ryan Allen)
Cheekface - Don’t Ask (B-Sides) (by Jare C)
Cheekface - Emphatically Mo’ (B-sides) (by Conor Lochrie)
Cheekface - Emphatically No (by Sean Fennell)
Cheekface - It’s Sorted (by Kris Handel)
Cheekface - Therapy Island (by Kris Handel)
Chelsea Wolfe - Hiss Spun (by Jonathan Bannister)
Cherry - Dumbness (by Nick McGuire)
Cherry Death - Saccharine (by Tim Crisp)
Cherry Glazerr - Apocalipstick (by Eli Shively)
Cherry Glazerr - I Don’t Want You Anymore (by Jare C)
Cherubs - Icing (2023 Remaster) + Heroin Man (reissue) (by Christopher J. Lee)
Cherubs - SLO BLO 4 FRNZ & SXY (by Benji Heywood)
C.H.E.W. - Feeding Frenzy (by Chris Prod)
C.H.E.W. - In Due Time (by Mick Reed)
The Chives - Supervision (by Anna Solomon)
Choral Reef - Gotta Get To Work (by Erin Bensinger)
Chris Cohen - Chris Cohen (by Max Kaplan)
Chris Forsyth & The Solar Motel Band - The Rarity of Experience (by Dan Rickershauser)
Christian Fitness - Love Letters in the Age of Steam (by Jonathan Bannister)
Christian Fitness - Slap Bass Hunks (by Sean Deveney)
Christina Schneider - Violence Etcetera (by Kat Harding)
Chronophage - Th’Pig’Kiss’d Album (by Conor Lochrie)
CIAO MALZ - Safe Then Sorry (by John Glab)
Cindy Lee - Act of Tenderness + Malenkost (by Joseph Thomas)
Cindy Lee - Diamond Jubilee (by Devin Birse)
Cindy Lee - What’s Tonight to Eternity (by Even Welsh)
Cinema Hearts - Your Ideal (by Taylor Ruckle)
Civic - Future Forecast (by Krishan Meepe)
Claire Rousay - Sentiment (by Anna Solomon)
Claire Rousay - A Softer Focus (by Matty McPherson)
CLAMM - Beseech Me (by Conor Lochrie)
Clasp - Clasp (by Sean Deveney)
CLASS - If You’ve Got Nothing (by Chris Coplan)
Clean Girls - Despite You (by Ben Smith)
Clearance - Are You Aware (by Nathan Springer)
Clearance - At Your Leisure (by Patrick Pilch)
Clearance - Rapid Rewards (by Ben Smith)
Clever Girls - Constellations (by Kris Handel)
Climax Landers - Climax Landers (by Nathan Springer)
Climax Landers - Zenith No Effects (by Sara Mae)
Clique - Burden Piece (by Katie Hanford)
Cloakroom - Dissolution Wave (by Patrick Haynes)
Cloud Becomes Your Hand - Rest In Fleas (by Joe Gutierrez)
Cloud Cover - Mirror Me (by Hannah Liuzzo)
Cloud Rat - Pollinator (by Hugo Reyes)
Coaster - Deuces (by Alex Colston)
Coaster - Stuck With It (by Joel Parmer)
The Coathangers - The Devil You Know (by Jordan J. Michael)
Coca Leaf - Deep Marble Sunrise (by Joe Thomas)
Cochonne - Emergency (by Camelia Brennan)
Coffee - Ocean Fruit / Big Hug (by Kris Handel)
C.O.F.F.I.N - Australia Stops (by Chris Coplan)
Coke Weed - Mary Weaver (by Eric Gagne)
Cola - Deep In View (by Dominic Acito)
Cold Feet - Punk Entity (by Mick Reed)
Cold Meat - Hot and Flustered (by Camelia Brennan)
Cold Sweats - Social Coma (by Ben Smith)
Colin Newman - Bastard (reissue) (by Dom Lepore)
Collapsed Skull - Eternity Maze (by Jonathan Mottola)
Colonial Wound - Degradation (by Hugo Reyes)
Community College - Comco (by Tom Alexander)
COMPs - Life As A Baller (by Nick Adams)
Computerwife - Computerwife (by Danny Cooper)
Connections - Foreign Affairs (by Joshua Hoey)
Control Top - Covert Contracts (by Peter Thorn)
Converge - Bloodmoon: I (by Patrick Haynes)
Conway The Machine - God Don’t Make Mistakes (by Eric Foreman)
Conway The Machine - Won’t He Do It (by Chris Coplan)
Cool American - Better Luck Next Year Vol. 3 (by Joshua Hoey)
Cool Dad - Cool Dad (by Dan Manning)
Cool Ghouls - Live ‘19 (by Sebastián Gorla)
The Cool Greenhouse - The Cool Greenhouse (by Elise Barbin)
Cor de Lux - Media (by by Klaudio Krstić)
Cordoba - Specter (by Patrick Pilch)
Corey Flood - Hanging Garden (by Kris Handel)
Coriky - Coriky (by Jonathan Bannister)
Corridor - Junior (by Matthew Sigur)
Cory Hanson - Pale Horse Rider (by Zach Noel)
Cory Hanson - Western Cum (by Ljubinko Zivkovic)
Couch Slut - Contempt (by Abigail Miglorie)
Couch Slut - You Could Do It Tonight (by Anna Solomon)
Courtney Barnett & Kurt Vile - Lotta Sea Lice (by Dylan Pennell)
The Cowboys - 3rd LP (by Dylan Pennell)
The Cowboys - The Bottom of a Rotten Flower (by Matt Keim)
The Cradle - Bag of Holding (by Patrick Pilch)
The Cradle - Endless Room For Error (by Theodore Rowe)
The Cradle - The Glare of Success (by Tom Alexander)
The Cradle - Half A Double Life (by Ljubinko Zivkovic)
The Cradle - Laughing In My Sleep (by James Fast)
The Cradle - The Layers of Honey (by Charles Hoyt)
The Cradle - Little Missionaries (by Theodore Rowe)
The Cradle - Temperate Lands (by Jackson Abatemarco)
Crag Mask - Bend (by Tom Alexander)
Craw - 1993 - 1997 (by Glennon F. Curran)
Crime of Passing - Crime of Passing (by Myles Tiessen)
Cross Country - Trials (by Nathan Springer)
Cruel - Common Rituals (by Cole Makuch)
Cruel Summer - Ivy (by Jen Bender)
Crumb - AMAMA (by Caroline Nieto)
Crumb - Ice Melt (by Zach Noel)
Crumb - Jinx (by Kris Handel)
Crumb - Locket (by Joseph Barsness)
Cryogeyser - Cryogeyser (by Giliann Karon)
CS Cleaners - Drolomon (by Selina Yang)
Cult of Dom Keller - They Carried The Dead In A U.F.O (by Polina Pekurovsky)
Cults - To The Ghosts (by Ben Hohenstatt)
Cup - Hiccup (by Myles Dunhill)
Cup - Jitter Visions (by Myles Dunhill)
Curfews - Songs To Strip To (by Chris Coplan)
Curse Word - Your Name (by Kris Handel)
Curtis Godino presents The Midnight Wishers - Curtis Godino presents The Midnight Wishers (by Ljubinko Zivkovic)
Cusp - Thanks So Much (by Myles Tiessen)
Cusp - You Can Do It All (by Jare C)
Czarface - Czartificial Intelligence (by Elizabeth Braaten)
Czarface & MF DOOM - Czarface Meets Metal Face (by Dylan Pennell)
Czarface & MF DOOM - Super What? (by Krishan Meepe)
Daisy Rickman - Howl (by Kris Handel)
Dama Scout - Dama Scout (by Jorge Velez)
Dama Scout - gen wo lai (come with me) (by Benji Heywood)
Dan Drohan - You’re A Crusher / Drocan! (by Patrick Pilch)
Dan Francia - Come Back To Life (by Kris Handel)
Dana Gavanski - LATE SLAP (by Matt Watton)
Dancer - Dancer (by Kris Handel)
DangerDoom - The Mouse & The Mask (Metalface Deluxe Edition) (by Timothy Melachik)
Dark Mtns - Dark Mtns (by Cole Kinsler)
Dark Mtns - Dark Mtns II (by Jasmine Bourgeois)
Dark Tea - Dark Tea (2019) (by Joel Parmer)
Dark Tea - Dark Tea (2021) (by Jeremy Leasure)
Dark Tones - Pulling Nails Out Of Walls (by Reggie Bender)
Darto - Human Giving (by Tim Crisp)
Data - Data 2020 (by Carolina Simionato)
Date Stuff - Date Stuff (by Jen Bender)
Datenight (US) - Comin Atcha' 100MPH (by Corey Sustarich)
Daughters - You Won’t Get What You Want (by Sam Boyhtari)
Dave Scanlon - Pink in each, bright blue, bright green (by Hayden Godfrey)
David Nance - Negative Boogie (by Kenny Ramos)
David Nance & Mowed Sound - David Nance & Mowed Sound (by Dan Goldin)
David Nance Group - Peaced and Slightly Pulverized (by Lydia Pudzianowski)
David Vassalotti - Broken Rope (by Jonathan Bannister)
David Vassalotti - Guitar Dream (by Jonathan Bannister)
Dazy - MAXIMUMBLASTSUPERLOUD: The First 24 Songs (by Huw Baines)
Dead Rider - Crew Licks (by Ian Feigle)
Deady - Deady (by Jade Winings)
Deaf Club (feat. HIRS Collective) & Fuck Money - Split EP (by Jare C)
Deaf Wish - Pain (by Chris Donnell)
Deafheaven - 10 Years Gone (by Jeff Yerger)
Deafheaven - Infinite Granite (by Jeff Yerger)
Deafheaven - New Bermuda (by Dan Murphy)
Death Bells - New Signs of Life (by Jon Piotrowski)
Death From Above - Outrage! Is Now (by Dylan Pennell)
Death Grips - Year of the Snitch (by Ian Feigle)
Death Index - Death Index (by Chris Donnell)
Decisive Pink - Ticket To Fame (by Devin Birse)
Deeper - Deeper (by Dalvin Aboagye)
Deerhoof - Devil Kids (by Cole Makuch)
Deerhoof - Fever 121614 (by Hannah Liuzzo)
Deerhoof - Future Teenage Cave Artists (by Gianluigi Marsibilio)
Deerhoof - Love-Lore (by Daniel Stevenson)
Deerhoof - The Magic (by Max Freedman)
Deerhoof - Miracle-Level (by Cole Makuch)
Deerhoof & Wadada Leo Smith - To Be Surrounded By Beautiful, Curious, Breathing, Laughing Flesh Is Enough (by Emma Bauchner)
Deerhunter - Why Hasn’t Everything Already Disappeared? (by Gianluigi Marsibilio)
Dehd - Blue Skies (by Cole Makuch)
Dehd - Flower of Devotion (by Conor Lochrie)
Dehd - Water (by Reggie Bender)
Delia Meshlir - Calling The Unknown (by Dominic Acito)
Deliluh - Beneath The Floors (by Corey Sustarich)
Deliluh - Fault Lines (by Will Floyd)
Delivery - Forever Giving Handshakes (by Mark Wadley)
Delivery - Yes We Do (by Conor Lochrie)
Den-Mate - Entropii (by Connor McInerney)
Den-Mate - Loceke (by Connor McInerney)
Deradoorian - Find The Sun (by Charles Davis)
Despondent - 5am (by Kris Handel)
Despondent - Other Girls Too (by Kris Handel)
Dig Nitty - Reverse of Mastery (by Kris Handel)
Dimples’ - Soul Chateau (by Delia Rainey)
Dinosaur Jr. - Emptiness at The Sinclair (by Ljubinko Zivkovic)
Dinosaur Jr. - Sweep It Into Space (by Zach Noel)
Dirty Projectors - Flight Tower (by Conor Lochrie)
Disco Doom - Mt. Surreal (by Scott Yohe)
Disco Doom / Oruã - Esmeralda Destiny Analysis (by Álvaro Molina)
Disheveled Cuss - Disheveled Cuss (by Fritz Ortman)
Disheveled Cuss - Into The Couch (by Chad Rafferty)
Disintegration - Time Moves For Me (by Devon Chodzin)
Dirty Three - Love Changes Everything (by Christopher J. Lee)
Disq - Collector (by Corey Sustarich)
Ditto - In Human Terms [reissue] (by Nathan Springer)
Divine Sweater - Down Deep (A Nautical Apocalypse) (by Hillary Pasternak)
Divorce Cop - What? (by Myles Dunhill)
Divorce Cop - Yup (by René Cobar)
DJ Muggs - Soul Assassins 3: Death Valley (by Justin Davis)
Do Pas O - Join The Fucking Drum Circle (by Max Freedman)
Dodgeball - Turns Out I Was Just Really Bored (by Jonah Evans)
Doffing - Tower of Ten Thousand Miles (by Patrick Pilch)
Double Grave - Chrysanthemum (by Kris Handel)
Double Grave - Ego Death Forever (by Aly Eleanor)
Double Grave - Goodbye, Nowhere! (by Aly Eleanor)
Doug Tuttle - It Calls On Me (by Hannah Liuzzo)
Doug Tuttle - Peace Potato (by Kat Harding)
Dougie Poole - The Freelancer’s Blues (by Ian MacPhee)
Dougie Poole - The Rainbow Wheel of Death (by Chad Rafferty)
Dove Lady - E (by Jasmine Bourgeois)
Dove Lady - F (by Ivan Krasnov)
Dove Lady - One (by Dan Goldin)
Downtown Boys - Cost Of Living (by Tim Crisp)
Dr Sure’s Unusual Practice - While Aus Burns (by Meaghan Weiley)
Drab Majesty - Modern Mirror (by Jonathan Bannister)
The Dracu-Las - Fall Asleep When I’m Dead (by Ben Hohenstatt)
Dragoons - Horrorscope (by Meaghan Weiley)
Drahla - Angeltape (by Devin Birse)
Drahla - Useless Coordinates (by Tom Alexander)
Dreamend - Dreamend (by Will Johnson)
The Dreebs - Forest Of A Crew (by Brian Manley)
The Drin - Today My Friend You Drunk The Venom (by Mark Wadley)
Drool - Drool II (by Emmet Penney)
Drug / Joyboy - Split CS (by Ony Ratsimbaharison)
The Drums - Abysmal Thoughts (by Allison Kridle)
Dry Cleaning - New Long Leg (by Sam Jennings)
Dua Saleh - Rosetta (by Maria Bobbitt-Chertock)
Duchess Says - Sciences Nouvelles (by Max Freedman)
Ducks Ltd. - Harm’s Way (by Scott Yohe)
Ducks Ltd. - Modern Fiction (by Matt Watton)
Ducks Unlimited - Get Bleak (by Wade Phillips)
Dueling Experts - Dueling Experts (by Will Sisskind)
Dumb - Club Nites (by Matt Keim)
Dumb - Seeing Green (by Corey Sustarich)
Dummy - Free Energy (by Matty McPherson)
Dummy - Mandatory Enjoyment (by Dash Lewis)
DUMP HIM - Dykes To Watch Out For (by Hugo Reyes)
DUMP HIM - Venus In Gemini (by June Amelia Rose)
Dusk - Dusk (by Kris Handel)
Dust From 1000 Yrs - Spring (by Jordan Weinstock)
Dust Star - Open Up That Heart (by Myles Tiessen)
Duster - Duster (by Ian MacPhee)
Duster - Together (by Cole Makuch and Dylan Kiefer)
Dustin Wong - Fluid World Building 101 With Shaman Bambu (by Jeff Laughlin)
Earl Sweatshirt - Sick! (by Ryan Meyer)
Earl Sweatshirt - Some Rap Songs (by Dylan Pennell)
Earl Sweatshirt & The Alchemist - Voir Dire (by Elizabeth Braaten)
EARRING - Tunn Star (by Kelly Johnson)
Earthboy - Earthboy (by Stephen Veith)
Eaters - Eaters (by Jonathan Bannister)
Editrix - Editrix II: Editrix Goes To Hell (by Scott Yohe)
Editrix - Talk To Me (by Joe Gutierrez)
Editrix - Tell Me I’m Bad (by Taylor Ruckle)
Eerie Wanda - Pet Town (by Patrick Pilch)
The Effects - Eyes to the Light (by Gordon Phillips)
EIEIEIO - “Gentlemen Stop!” (by Kris Handel)
EIEIEIO - Great Siz (by Camelia Brennan)
Elder - Omens (by Alex Milstein)
Elder - Reflections of a Floating World (by Ethan Jaynes)
Electric Wizard - Wizard Bloody Wizard (by Dylan Pennell)
Elf Power - Twitching In Time (by Myles Dunhill)
Eliza Edens - We’ll Become The Flowers (by Kris Handel)
Eliza Niemi - Staying Mellow Blows (by EJ Kneifel)
Elizabeth Colour Wheel - Nocebo (by Morgan Greenwood)
Elliott Smith - Elliot Smith Expanded 25th Anniversary Edition (by Julian Rosen)
Elvis Depressedly - Holo Pleasures/California Dreamin' (by Herb Quick)
Emily Yacina - Heart Sky (by Annie Fell)
Emma Ruth Rundle - Engine of Hell (by Erin Bensinger)
Emma Ruth Rundle - Marked For Death (by Nicholas Otte)
Emma Ruth Rundle - On Dark Horses (by Erin Bensinger)
Emma Ruth Rundle & Thou - The Helm of Sorrow (by Conor Lochrie)
Emma Ruth Rundle & Thou - May Our Chambers Be Full (by Zane Castillo)
Emily Rose and The Rounders - Emily Rose and The Rounders (by Dominic Acito)
Empath - Active Listening: Night on Earth (by Kris Handel)
Empath - Liberating Guilt and Fear (by Sacha Kingston-Wayne)
Empath - Visitor (by Patrick Haynes)
En Attendant Ana - Juillet (by Heather Williams)
En Attendant Ana - Principia (by Scott Yohe)
Enumclaw - Save The Baby (by Taylor Ruckle)
Erasers - Distance (by Aly Eleanor)
Eric Schermerhorn - Elegy (by Kat Harding)
Eric Schermerhorn - Flowers Now Dry (by Kat Harding)
Eric Slick - Wiseacre (by Sean Fennell)
Erik Phillips - One (by Joshua Hoey)
Erin Rae - Lighten Up (by Ljubinko Zivkovic)
Es - Fantasy (by Chris Cohen)
Eskimeaux - Year of the Rabbit (by Emma Shepard)
ESSi - Vital Creatures (by Patrick Pilch)
Esther Rose - My Favorite Mistakes (by Conor Lochrie)
Esther Rose - Safe To Run (by Ljubinko Zivkovic)
Esther Rose - Safe 2 Run (Versions) (by Ljubinko Zivkovic)
Ethers - Ethers (by Matthew Sigur)
Evolfo - Site Out Of Mind (by Alex Reindl)
The Ex - 27 Passports (by Brian Manley)
Ex-Breathers - Past Tense (by Chris Donnell)
Ex-Vöid - Ex-Vöid (by Huw Baines)
EXEK - Advertise Here (by Myles Tiessen)
EXEK - Good Thing They Ripped Up The Carpet (by Conor Lochrie)
EXEK - The Map and The Territory (by Dan Goldin)
Exercise - Ipso Facto (by Elizabeth Braaten)
Exhalants - Atonement (by Hugo Reyes)
Exhalants - Exhalants (by Torrey Proto)
Eyes of Love - End of the Game (by Joe Thomas)
FACS - Present Tense (by Matty McPherson)
FACS - Still Life In Decay (by Benji Heywood)
Failure - Wild Type Droid (by Jeremy Bennett)
Faith Healer - Try ;-) (by Jackson Martel)
Fake Fruit - Fake Fruit (by Kris Handel)
Fake Fruit - Mucho Mistrust (by Matt Watton)
Fake Palms - Lemons (by Kris Handel)
False Punk - False Punk (by Peter Ives)
Family Vision - Chop Shop (by Torrey Proto)
Famous Laughs - Total Icon (by Patrick Pilch)
Fantastic Purple Spots - Vibrations Now (by Kris Handel)
Fantasy of a Broken Heart - Feats of Engineering (by Kris Handel)
Fashion Pimps & The Glamazons - Jazz 4 Johnny (by Devon Chodzin)
FCKR JR - I’m Sorry Mom and Dad (by Kris Handel)
Feeble Little Horse - Girl With Fish (by John Glab)
Feefawfum - 100 (by Matt Watton)
Feeling Figures - Everything Around You (by Chris Coplan)
Feeling Figures - Migration Magic (by Matt Watton)
FEELS - Post Earth (by Gianluigi Marsibilio)
Felicia Douglass - Stress Is Free (by René Cobar)
Fern Mayo - Happy Forever (by Niccolo Dante Porcello)
Fern Mayo - Hex Signs (by June Amelia Rose)
Fern Mayo - Week of Charm (by Kris Handel)
Fievel Is Glauque - Flaming Swords (by Matt Watton)
Fievel Is Glauque - Rong Weicknes (by Louis Pelingen)
Fime - Sweeter Memory (by Benji Heywood)
Finom - Not God (by Chris Coplan)
Fiona Apple - Fetch The Bolt Cutters (by Emma Bauchner)
Fire-Toolz - Field Whispers (Into The Crystal Palace) (by Patrick Pilch)
Fire Is Motion - Still, I Try (by Jorge Velez)
Fits - All Belief Is Paradise (by Allison Kridle)
Flagland - Two Brothers and a Ghost (by Kris Handel)
The Flaming Lips - King’s Mouth: Music and Songs (by Gianluigi Marsibilio)
The Flaming Lips - Oczy Mlody (by Rob Cleveland)
The Flaming Lips - The Soft Bulletin: Live at Red Rocks (feat. The Colorado Symphony & André de Ridder) (by Gianluigi Marsiblio)
The Flaming Lips - Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots (20th Anniversary Deluxe Edition) (by Jon Shina)
Flasher - Constant Image (by Jonathan Bannister)
Flasher - Love Is Yours (by Ross Holder)
Flat Swamp - By All Means (by Jonathan Bannister)
Flat Worms - Flat Worms (by Myles Dunhill)
Flight Habit - Glorified Hill Myna (by Corey Sustarich)
Floatie - Voyage Out (by Patrick Pilch)
Floating Room - False Baptism (by Dalvin Aboagye)
Floating Room - Shima (by Taylor Ruckle)
Floating Room - Tired and True (by Jeremy Winslow)
Florida Man - Tropical Depression (by Jordan J. Michael)
Florist - Holdly (by Julia Leiby)
Florist - The Birds Outside Sang (by Jonathan Nasrallah)
Florist - Emily Alone (by Erin Bensinger)
Florry - Big Fall (by Ljubinko Zivkovic)
Florry - The Holey Bible (by Kris Handel)
Florry - Sweet Guitar Solos (by Chad Rafferty)
Fluung - Satellite Weather (by Joel Parmer)
Fly Anakin - Pixote (by Dash Lewis)
Flyying Colors - Ease Mobile (by Billy Brat)
Fontaines D.C. - A Hero’s Death (by Jeff Yerger)
Fontaines D.C. - Dogrel (by Emmet Penney)
Foozle - Romantic Comedies (by Jordan Weinstock)
For Tracy Hyde - Ethernity (by Morgan Troper)
Forever Honey - Pre-Mortem High (by Jeff Yerger)
Forth Wanderers - Forth Wanderers (by Allison Kridle)
Forth Wanderers - Slop (by Max Freedman)
Foyer Red - Yarn The Hours Away (by Dan Paoletti)
The Fragiles - On and On (by Sean Fennell)
Frameworks - Smother (by Nick Otte)
Fran - A Private Picture (by Tom Alexander)
Fran - Leaving (by Kris Handel)
Frances Chang - Psychedelic Anxiety (by Selina Yang)
Frances Chang - Support Your Local Nihilist (by Devon Chodzin)
Francie Cool - Francie Cool (by Gilad Jaffe)
Frankie Cosmos - Close It Quietly (by Gianluigi Marsibilio)
Frankie Cosmos - Fit Me In (by Marcus Gauthiér)
Frankie Cosmos - Inner World Peace (by Becca Barglowski)
Frankie Cosmos - Next Thing (by Cole Kinsler)
Frankie Cosmos - Vessel (by Drew Cowen)
Freak Heat Waves - Beyond XXXL (by Torrey Proto)
Freak Heat Waves - Zap The Planet (by Ian MacPhee)
Freckle - Freckle (by Alli Dempsey)
Fred Cracklin - Guff In The Garden (by Troy Sherman)
Freddie Gibbs & The Alchemist - Alfredo (by Alex Johnson)
Freind - Lemon EP (by Joe Gutierrez)
Frida Kill - Kill! Kill! (by Selina Yang)
Friendship - Undercurrent (by Mick Reed)
Friiko - Where We’ve Been, Where We Go From Here (by Shea Roney)
Frog - GROG (by Sara Mae)
The Fruit Trees - We Could Lie Down In The Grass (by Jon Shina)
Fugitive Bubble - Delusion (by Charlie Pecorella)
Full Body - What's Good? (by Jen Bender)
Full Body 2 - Infinity Signature (by John Glab)
Full of Hell - Aurora Leaking From An Open Wound (by Scott Yohe)
Full of Hell - Coagulated Bliss (by Jordan Michael)
Full of Hell - Garden of Burning Apparitions (by Scott Yohe)
Full of Hell - Weeping Choir (by Ian Feigle)
Fuming Mouth - The Grand Descent (by Jonathan Bannister)
Furnsss - all brought clouds and the deep blue sky (by Jeremy Winslow)
Furnsss - Furnsss (by Jasmine Bourgeois)
Future Punx - The World is a Mess (by Michael Gusev)
Fuzz - II (by Conor Rooney)
G.L.O.S.S. - Trans Day of Revenge (by Marcus Gauthiér)
Gaadge - Somewhere Down Below (by John Glab)
Gabby’s World - Beast On Beast (by Sarah Knoll)
Gabby’s World - GABBY SWORD (by Jare C)
Gabriel Birnbaum - Not Alone (by Kris Handel)
Gabriel Birnbaum - Patron Saint of Tireless Losers (by Kris Handel)
Galore - Blush (by Ljubinko Zivkovic)
Galore - Galore (by Cameila Brennan)
Gangrene - Heads I Win, Tails You Lose (by Justin Davis)
Ganser - Just Look At That Sky (by Taylor Ruckle)
Ganser - Nothing You Do Matters (by Emmanuel Castillo)
Gareth Liddiard - The Bootlick Series Volume 1 (Live 2006-2016) (by Dominic Acito)
Gash - Leftern (by Dominic Acito)
Gatecreeper - An Unexpected Reality (by Hugo Reyes)
Gatecreeper - Deserted (by Mick Reed)
Gatwood - Gatworld Vol. 1 (by Joseph Barsness)
Gay Sin - Gay Sin (by Niccolo Dante Porcello)
Gaytheist - How Long Have I Been On Fire? (by by Lucio Oquendo III)
GBMystical - The Mantis (by Jare C)
GEE TEE - Goodnight Neanderthal (by Chris Coplan)
GEE TEE - Prehistoric Chrome (by John Brouk)
Gel - Only Constant (by Eric Foreman)
Gel - Persona (by Charlie Pecorella)
Geld - Currency // Castration (by Dan Goldin)
Gemma - As Ever (by Rob Mellinger)
Genghis Tron - Dream Weapon (by Aly Eleanor)
Gentle Heat - Dissolve (by Nathan Springer)
Gentle Heat - Sheer (by Jesse Pedersen)
Geo - Out of Body (by Gabriel Karkovsky)
Geordie Greep - The New Sound (by Devin Birse)
The Gerbils - Are You Sleepy [reissue] (by David Haynes)
Ghost Funk Orchestra - A Song For Paul (by Shane O’Malley Firek)
Ghoulies - Shafted By The Algorithm (by John Brouk)
Gilliver - Gilded Lily (by Zachary Zalman Green)
Gingerlys - Gingerlys (by Gabriela Montiel)
Girl Band - Holding Hands With Jamie (by Kelly Johnson)
Girl Band - The Talkies (by Dominic Acito)
Girl Gaze - Fade Out (by Allison Kridle)
Girl Ray - Prestige (by Elizabeth Braaten)
Girlpool - Powerplant (by Rob Cleveland)
Girlpool - What Chaos Is Imaginary (by Allison Kridle)
Girly Pants - Nurture (by Kris Handel)
Glaring Orchid - I Hope You’re Okay (by John Golden)
Glassjaw - Material Control (by Jacob Dempsey)
Global Charming - Mediocre, Brutal (by Conor Lochrie)
Gloop - Smiling Lines (by David Haynes)
Gloop - The Tourist (by David Haynes)
The Glow - Am I (by Tom Alexander)
Glueboy - Yikes (by Marcus Gauthiér)
Glued - Cool Evil (by Ben Grigg)
Glued - II (by Jordan Weinstock)
Gnarwhal - Crucial (by Mike LeSuer)
GOAT - Headsoup (by Ljubinko Zivkovic)
Goat Girl - Below The Waste (by Anna Solomon)
Goat Girl - Goat Girl (by Nick McGuire)
Goat Girl - On All Fours (by Kris Handel)
gobbinjr - ocala wick (by Hannah Liuzzo)
gobbinjr - vom night (by Nathan Springer)
Godcaster - Godcaster (by Sarah Samson)
Godcaster - Long Haired Locusts (by Patrick Pilch)
Godspeed You! Black Emperor - "NO TITLE AS OF 13 FEBRUARY 2024 28,340 DEAD" (by Caleb Doyle)
The Gold Web - Acidchrist Superspice & The Candyboys (by Andrew Hertzberg)
Golden Apples - Shadowland (by Brendan Menapace)
Gomme - Absent Healing (by Colin Vallee)
Gong Gong Gong - Phantom Rhythm (by Patrick Pilch)
Gong Gong Gong & Mong Tong - Mongkok Duel (by Brett Williams)
Goo - Squid Ink Sky (by Kris Handel)
Goon - Hour of Green Evening (by Chris Coplan)
Goon - Paint By Numbers, Vol. 1 (by Benji Heywood)
Gorgeous - Sapsucker (by Jare C)
Gouge Away - Burnt Sugar (by Hugo Reyes)
Gouge Away - Deep Sage (by Emmanuel Castillo)
GracieHorse - L.A. Shit (by Myles Tiessen)
Grandkids - This Guitars (by Alex Colston)
Grass Jaw - Circles (by Kris Handel)
Grass Jaw - Germs (by Conor Lochrie)
Great Deceivers - In Spirit (by Morgan Reed Greenwood)
Great Falls - Objects Without Pain (by Benji Heywood)
Great Grandpa - Four of Arrows (by Wade Phillips)
Green and Glass - Green and Glass (by Tom Gallo)
The Green Child - Look Familiar (by Scott Yohe)
The Green Child - Shimmering Basset (by Will Henriksen)
Greg Freeman - I Looked Out (Reissue) (by Calvin Staropoli)
Greys - Outer Heaven (by Torrey Proto)
Greys - Repulsion (by Torrey Proto)
Grim Streaker - No Vision (by Sarah Knoll)
Grocer - Bless Me (by Chris Coplan)
Grocer - Scatter Plot (by Matt Watton)
Grouper - Grid Of Points (by Patrick Pilch)
Groupie - Ephemeral (by Jeremy Winslow)
Growing Stone - I Had Everybody Snowed (by Hugo Reyes)
Guerilla Toss - Eraser Stargazer (by Glennon Curran)
Guerilla Toss - Famously Alive (by Natalie Marlin)
Guerilla Toss - Flood Dosed (by Niccolo Dante Porcello)
Guerilla Toss - GT Ultra (by Max Freedman)
Guerilla Toss - Twisted Crystal (by Chris Jones)
Guerilla Toss - What Would The Odd Do? (by Michael Seidenfeld)
Guided By Voices - Crystal Nuns Cathedral (by Eric Foreman)
Guided By Voices - La La Land (by Jack Peterson)
Guided By Voices - Nowhere To Go But Up (by Christopher J. Lee)
Guided By Voices - Same Place The Fly Got Smashed (reissue) (by Scott Yohe)
Guided By Voices - Surrender Your Poppy Field (by Will Sisskind)
Guided By Voices - Universe Room (by Scott Yohe)
Guided By Voices - Welshpool Frillies (by Dana Poland)
Guided By Voices - Zeppelin Over China (by David Haynes)
Guitar - Casting Spells On Turtlehead (by John Glab)
Gulch - Impenetrable Cerebral Fortress (by Hugo Reyes)
Gulch / Sunami - Split 7” (by Hugo Reyes)
Gum Country - Somewhere (by Elise Barbin)
Gun Outfit - Dream All Over (by Dan Rickershauser)
Gun Outfit - Two Way Player (by Sebastian Friis Sharif)
Gunk - Garge Munk (by Kelly Johnson)
Gunk - Gunk (by Hannah Liuzzo)
Gustaf - Audio Drag For Ego Slobs (by Alyana Vera)
Habibi - Cardamom Garden (by Jorge Velez)
Habibi - Dreamachine (by Zuzu Lacey)
Half Stack - Sitting Pretty (by Ljubinko Zivkovic)
Half Thought - Half Thought (by Joel Parmer)
Half Waif - Lavender (by Kris Handel)
Halfsour - Charm School (by Hannah Liuzzo)
Halshug - Drøm (by Mick Reed)
Hand Habits - Dirt (by Conor Lochrie)
Hand Habits - Placeholder (by Jacob Schwartz)
Hand Habits - Wildly Idle (Humble Before The Void) (by Joe Gutierrez)
Handle - In Threes (by David Wilikofsky)
Hannah Frances - Keeper Of The Shepherd (by Calvin Staropoli)
Hard Nips - Master Cat (by Conor Lochrie)
The Hard Quartet - The Hard Quartet (by Christopher J. Lee)
Haress - Ghosts (by Ljubinko Zivkovic)
Hash Redactor - Drecksound (by Kris Handel)
Haunted Horses - The Worst Has Finally Happened (by Jordan Michael)
Haybaby - They Get There (by Colin Vallee)
Heartworms - A Comforting Notion (by Giliann Karon)
Heaters - Matterhorn (by Dylan Pennell)
Heather Trost - Desert Flowers (by Ljubinko Zivkovic)
The Hecks - The Hecks (by Phillipe Roberts)
Helium - Ends With And (by Annie Fell)
Hellrazor - Heaven’s Gate (by Kris Handel)
Hellrazor - Satan Smile (by Shaina Vriezelaar)
Helvetia - The Beach At The Edge Of The World (by Dan Goldin)
Helvetia - Dromomania (by Dan Murphy)
Helvetia - Essential Aliens (by Robbie Ludvigsen)
Helvetia - Helvetia presents Sudden Hex (by Delia Rainey)
Helvetia - Sun Chasers (by Katie Hanford)
Helvetia - This Devastating Map (by Ian MacPhee)
Hemlock - 444 (by Caroline Nieto)
Hemlock - Talk Soon (by Delia Rainey)
Her New Knife - Chrome Is Lullaby (by Giliann Karon)
Herzog - Me Vs. You (by Joel Parmer)
Hideous Sun Demon - Development Hell (by Conor Lochrie)
Hiding Places - Lesson (by Shea Roney)
The HIRS Collective - We’re Still Here (by Jare C)
Hiver & Jason Koth - Offers (by Patrick Pilch)
HMS Ash - Beam Reach (by Conor Lochrie)
Holding Patterns - Endless (by Joel Parmer)
Holiday Music - Certified Ailments (by Alex Whitelaw)
Holograms - Surrender (by Jonathan Bannister)
Holy Wave - Freaks of Nurture (by Emma Shepard)
Holy Wave - Interloper (by Ian MacPhee)
Holy Western Parallels - Holy Western Parallels (by Ben Grigg)
Honeyrude - The Color Blue (by Jonathan Bannister)
Hooded Fang - Dynasty House (by Mike LeSuer)
Hooper Crescent - Object Permanence (by Conor Lochrie)
Hoops - Routines (by Allison Kridle)
Hoorsees - Hoorsees (by Zach Zollo)
Hope Sandoval & The Warm Inventions - Son of a Lady (by Nick McGuire)
Horoscope - Carne. (by Joe Thomas)
Horror Movie Marathon - Good Scare (by Tom Alexander)
Horse Doctor - Horse Doctor (by Emmet Penney)
Horse Jumper of Love - Disaster Trick (by Christopher J. Lee)
Horse Jumper of Love - Horse Jumper of Love (by Niccolo Dante Porcello)
Horse Jumper of Love - Natural Part (by Jack Meyer)
Horse Jumper of Love - So Divine (by Josef McGuigan)
Horse Lords - As It Happened: Horse Lords Live (by Sarah Samson)
Horse Lords - Comradely Objects (by Matty McPherson)
Horse Lords - Interventions (by Quentin Gibeau)
Horsegirl - Phonetics On and On (by Caroline Nieto)
Horsegirl - Versions of Modern Performance (by Ryan Meyer)
Hot Garbage - Precious Dream (by Kris Handel)
Hot Snakes - Jericho Sirens (by Kris Handel)
Hotline TNT - Cartwheel (by John Glab)
Hotline TNT - Nineteen In Love (by Corey Sustarich)
Hovvdy - True Love (by Ryan Meyer)
Howless - To Repel Ghosts (by Taylor Ruckle)
Howlin Rain - The Alligator Bride (by Kris Handel)
Hum - Electra 2000 + You’d Prefer an Astronaut + Downward is Heavenward + Inlet (Reissues) (by Christopher J. Lee)
Hum - Inlet (by Ian MacPhee)
Human Impact - Human Impact (by Mick Reed)
Human People - Butterflies Drink Turtle Tears (by Patrick Pilch)
Hüsker Dü - Savage Young Dü (by Tim Crisp)
Hüsker Dü - Tonite Longhorn (by Al Crisafulli)
The I.L.Y's - Scum With Boundaries (by Nick Machak)
IAN SWEET - Crush Crusher (by Rob Cleveland)
IAN SWEET - Show Me How You Disappear (by Kris Handel)
IAN SWEET - Shapeshifter (by Niccolo Dante Porcello)
IAN SWEET - SUCKER (by Sara Mae)
Iceage - Beyondless (by Dylan Pennell)
Iceage - Seek Shelter (by Conor Lochrie)
Iceage - Shake The Feeling: Outtakes & Rarities 2015-2021 (by Christopher J. Lee)
Idles - Joy As An Act Of Resistance (by Mike LeSuer)
Idylls - The Barn (by Joe Thomas)
Iggy Pop - Post Pop Depression (by Katie Preston)
Illuminati Hotties - FREE I.H: This Is Not The One You've Been Waiting For (by Dominic Acito)
Illuminati Hotties - Let Me Do One More (by Kris Handel)
Illuminati Hotties - POWER (by Alice Zakusilo)
I’m Into Life Records - #1 (by Selina Yang)
Impalers - Cellar Dweller (by Jacob Dempsey)
Imperial Wax - Gastwerk Saboteurs (by Jonathan Bannister)
Impulsive Hearts - Cry All The Time (by Mick Reed)
Indigo De Souza - All Of This Will End (by Chad Rafferty)
Infinity Crush - Virtual Heaven (by Erin Bensinger)
Infinity Girl - Harm (by Jeremy Probst)
Ing - Ing (by Nathan Springer)
Insane Urge - My America (by Zak Mercado)
Irk - Recipes From The Bible (by Ian Feigle)
Irma Vep - Embarrassed Landscape (by Ben Miles)
Irreversible Entanglements - Irreversible Entanglements (by Jeff Laughlin)
Irreversible Entanglements - Protect Your Light (by Ljubinko Zivkovic)
Ismatic Guru - II (by Cole Makuch)
Isobel Campbell - There Is No Other… (by Avery Luke)
It Thing - Syrup (by Joe Massaro)
Itasca - Morning Flower (by Will Johnson)
Itchy & The Nits - Itchy & The Nits (by Seth Daspit)
Izzy True - Our Beautiful Baby World (by Rachel Min Leong)
Izzy True - Sad Bad (by Joe Gutierrez)
J Mascis - Elastic Days (by Nick Adams)
J. Robbins - Un-Becoming (by Kris Handel)
J. Zunz - Hibiscus (by Maria Bobbitt-Chertock)
J&L Defer - No Map (by Glennon F. Curran)
Jack - Alchemical Rounds (by Dylan Pennell)
Jackal Onasis - Big Deal Party (by Conor Rooney)
Jackie Mendoza - LuvHz (by Erin Bensinger)
Jacuzzi Boys - Ping Pong (by Marisa Losciale)
Jalen Ngonda - Come Around And Love Me (by Charles Hoyt)
Jamison Field Murphy - Is Has To End (by Kris Handel)
Jana Horn - The Window Is The Dream (by Zak Mercado)
Japandroids - Near to the Wild Heart of Life (by Joshua Robbins)
Japanese Breakfast - Jubilee (by Zach Zollo)
Japanese Breakfast - Psychopomp (by Julia Leiby)
Jarrow - Jarrow (by Conor Lochrie)
Jason Simon - A Venerable Wreck (by Álvaro Molina)
Jean Mignon - DIRTY MEAN FAST (by Hillary Pasternak)
Jeanines - Don’t Wait For A Sign (by Ljubinko Zivkovic)
Jeanines - Jeanines (by Don Ellis)
Jeff Buckley - You And I (by Nicholas Otte)
Jeff Tobias - Recurring Dream (by Matty McPherson)
Jehnny Beth - To Love Is To Live (by Jon Piotrowski)
Jen Kwok - Songs For One (by Colin Vallee)
Jessica Pratt - Here In The Pitch (by Matty McPherson)
Jesu - Never (by Ian MacPhee)
Jesu/Sun Kil Moon - Jesu/Sun Kil Moon (by Nicholas Otte)
The Jesus and Mary Chain - Sunset 666 (by Christopher J. Lee)
The Jesus Lizard - Rack (by Scott Yohe)
Jim White - All Hits: Memories (by Christopher J. Lee)
Jim White and Marisa Anderson - Swallowtail (by Álvaro Molina)
Jimmy Montague - Casual Use (by Morgan Troper)
Jo Passed - Their Prime (by Huw Baines)
Joanna Sternberg - I’ve Got Me (by Julianne Akers)
Jobber - Hell In A Cell (by Mark Wadley)
JODY - JODY (by Cole Kinsler)
Johanna Warren - Chaotic Good (by Eric Bennett)
JOHN - Nocturnal Manoeuvres (by Amy Rowe)
Jolee Gordon - The Good Parts (by Conor Lochrie)
Jordan Holtz - Not Close For Comfort (by Chad Rafferty)
Joshua Virtue - Jackie’s House (by Hugo Reyes)
Joy Division - Closer (40th Anniversary Reissue) (by Conor Lochrie)
Joyboy / Drug - Split CS (by Ony Ratsimbaharison)
Joyer - Night Songs (by Sara Mae)
Joyer - Perfect Gray (by Conor Lochrie)
Joyer - Sun Into Flies (by Conor Lochrie)
J.R.C.G. - Grim Iconic…(Sadistic Mantra) (by Dan Goldin)
Judy and the Jerks - Music To Go Nuts (by Seth Daspit)
Julia Brown - An Abundance of Strawberries (by Emma Shepard)
Julia Holter - Something in the Room She Moves (by Karina Teichert)
Julia Jacklin - PRE PLEASURE (by Dominic Acito)
Julia, Julia - Derealization (by René Cobar)
Julia Shapiro - Perfect Version (by Erin Bensinger)
Julia Shapiro - Zorked (by Ryan Meyer)
Julian - Real Distance (by Joshua Hoey)
Julie Doiron - I Thought Of You (by Delia Rainey)
Julien Baker - Sprained Ankle (by Jonathan Bannister)
June Gloom - Fake Problems (by Cole Kinsler)
June Gloom / Rock Solid - Subletter / Something Solid (by Katixa Espinoza)
June McDoom - June McDoom (by Emma Ingrisani)
June McDoom - With Strings (by Ljubinko Zivkovic)
K-The-I??? & Kenny Segal - Genuine Dexterity (by Chris Polley)
KAINA - Next to the Sun (by Matthew Hirsch)
Kal Marks - Let The Shit House Burn Down (by Torrey Proto)
Kal Marks - Life Is Alright, Everybody Dies (by Niccolo Dante Porcello)
Kal Marks - Lite (by Dominic Acito)
Kal Marks - My Name Is Hell (by Dominic Acito)
Kal Marks - Universal Care (by Niccolo Dante Porcello)
Kal Marks - Wasteland Baby (by Tim Buck)
Kamikaze Palm Tree - Mint Chip (by Ljubinko Zivkovic)
Karima Walker - Waking The Dreaming Body (by Conor Lochrie)
Kassie Krut - Kassie Krut (by Joseph Jr Mastel)
Kate NV - WOW (by Matty McPherson)
Katie Dey - Forever Music (by Natalie Marlin)
Katie Dey - Mydata (by Maria Bobbitt-Chertock)
Katie Dey - Solipsisters (by Evan Welsh)
Katie Von Schleicher - A Little Touch of Schleicher In The Night (by Kris Handel)
Katie Von Schleicher - Consummation (by Kris Handel)
Katy Kirby - Cool Dry Place (by Eric Bennett)
Keep - For Your Joy (by Jonathan Bannister)
Keeping - Ruin Value (by Mike LeSuer)
Keiji Haino & Guro Moe - Drums & Octobass (by Matty Terrones)
Keiji Haino & Sumac - Even for just the briefest moment / Keep charging this “expiation” / Plug in to making it slightly better (by Evan Welsh)
Kestrels - Dream Or Don’t Dream (by Conor Lochrie)
Kevin Morby - City Music (by Timothy Michalik)
Kill Alters - No Self Helps (by Quinn Myers)
Kill Em All - Kill Em All (by Chanell Noise)
Kim Deal - Nobody Loves You More (by Christopher J. Lee)
Kim Gordon - The Collective (by Christoper J. Lee)
Kindling - Galaxies (by Eric Gagne)
Kindling - No Generation (by Kat Harding)
King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard - Chunky Shrapnel (by Gianluigi Marsibilio)
King Khan - Murderburgers (by Dylan Pennell)
King Tuff - Smalltown Stardust (by Jon Shina)
King Woman - Created In The Image of Suffering (by Jonathan Bannister)
Kiss Concert - Split (by Eric Gagne)
Kleenex Girl Wonder - White Lacuna (by David Haynes)
Kneeling In Piss - Types of Cults (by Corey Sustarich)
Knifeplay - No Funeral / With U (by Stephen Veith)
Knitting - Some Kind of Heaven (by Giliann Karon)
Knocked Loose - A Different Shade of Blue (by Mick Reed)
Knot - Knot (by Kris Handel)
Kota The Friend - Foto (by Jeremy Winslow)
Krill - Alam No Hris (reissue) (by Kris Handel)
Krill - Krill (by Loren DiBlasi)
Krill - Lucky Leaves (10 Year Retrospective) (by John Glab)
L’Orange & Namir Blade - Imaginary Everything (by Charles Davis)
L’Rain - I Killed Your Dog (by Jare C)
La Bonte - Grist For The Mill (by Ryan Meyer)
La Luz - La Luz (by Scott Yohe)
La Luz - News of the Universe (by Zuzu Lacey)
Labrador - Hold The Door For Strangers (by Ryan Meyer)
Lady Bones - Terse (by Jonathan Bannister)
Lady Pills - What I Want (by Jade Winings)
Lake Ruth - Crying Everyone Else’s Tears (by Ian MacPhee)
Lala Lala - I Want The Door To Open (by Eleanor Linafelt)
Lala Lala - The Lamb (by Huw Baines)
Lambrini Girls - Who Let The Dogs Out (by Jonah Evans)
Lance Bangs - Lance Mountain (by Nathan Springer)
Lance Bangs - Whammy (by Matthew Hirsch)
Land of Talk - Indistinct Conversations (by Aly Eleanor)
Land of Talk - Performances (by Anika Maculangan)
Lande Hekt - Going to Hell (by Eric Bennett)
Landowner - Blatant (by Katixa Espinoza)
Landowner - Consultant (by Michael Kemp)
Larry June & The Alchemist - The Great Escape (by Justin Davis)
Lasso - Ordem Imaginada (by Emmanuel Castillo)
Late Bloomer - Waiting (by Gordon Phillips)
Laundromat - Green EP (by Conor Lochrie)
Lauren Early - Don’t Take My Dream Away (by Danny Cooper)
Lawn - Bigger Sprout (by Travis Shosa)
Lawn - Blood On The Tracks (by Kris Handel)
Lawn - Johnny (by Dominic Acito)
Lê Almeida - I Feel In The Sky (by Selina Yang)
Leapling - Suspended Animation (by Cole Kinsler)
leather.head - welded (by Devin Birse)
Lee Fields - Sentimental Fool (by Patrick Pilch)
Left & Right - Pivot Foot (by Jonathan Bannister)
Left & Right - The Yips (by Charles Hoyt)
Leggy - Leggy (by Jaclyn O'Connell)
Leggy - Let Me Know About Your Moon (by Tom Alexander)
Leisure Sport - Title Card (by Zach Zollo)
The Lentils - Budget Alchemy (by Delia Rainey)
The Lentils - Hello Jane Goodall, Are You Listening? (by Elizabeth Braaten)
The Lentils - Ixnay on the Entilslay (by Nat Scholl)
The Lentils - Where UFOs Fear To Tread (by John Brouk)
Lerryn - As A Mother (by Chris Coplan)
Lewsberg - In This House (by Will Sisskind)
Lexie - Record Time! (by Allison Kridle)
Liars - The Apple Drop (by Conor Lochrie)
Liars - TFCF (by Rob Cleveland)
LICE - Third Time At The Beach (by Devin Birse)
Lié - You Want It Real (by Sebastián Gorla)
Life In Vacuum - Lost (by Jade Winings)
Lifeguard - Crowd Can Talk (by Cole Makuch)
Lightheaded - Combustible Gems (by Charlie Pecorella)
Lightning Bolt - Sonic Citadel (by Sarah Knoll)
Lightning Bug - A Color Of The Sky (by Sam Jennings)
Lil Dowager - Live For Nothing, Or Die For Something (by Nik Soelter)
Lilacs & Champagne - Fantasy World (by Chris Polley)
Lilith - Apology Plant (by Jaclyn O'Connell)
Lily and Horn Horse - Lily On Horn Horse (by Theodore Rowe)
Lily Konigsberg - It’s Just Like All The Clouds (by Patrick Pilch)
Lily Konigsberg - Lily We Need To Talk Now (by Conor Lochrie)
Lily McKown - Backseat Driver (by Lydia Pudzianowski)
Lily Seabird - Alas, (by Caroline Nieto)
Lina Tullgren - Visiting (by Matty McPherson)
Lina Tullgren - Won (by Nick McGuire)
Lincoln - Repair and Reward (by Benji Heywood)
Lindsay Reamer - Natural Science (by Jade Winings)
Lisa/Liza - Breaking and Mending (by Ljubinko Zivkovic)
Lisa/Liza - Momentary Glance (by Dylan Pennell)
Lisa/Liza - Shelter of a Song (by Hayden Godfrey)
Lithics - Mating Surfaces (by Kris Handel)
Lithics - Tower of Age (by Ted Davis)
Little Bit - Talk A Blue Streak (by Giliann Karon)
Little Kid - Transfiguration Highway (by Katie Hanford)
Little Slugger - I Want To Live Here Forever (by Kris Handel)
Littlefoot - Lavender (by Sarah Kimura)
Littler - Bad Hand (by David Anthony)
Liquids - Nervous Sessions (by Charlie Sussman)
Liz Phair - Soberish (by Alex Reindl)
Local H - Whatever Happened To P,J. Soles? (20th Anniversary Remaster) (by Rainy Maple Sugar Candy)
Locate S,1 - Healing Contest (by Allison Kridle)
Locate S,1 - Personalia (by Conor Lochrie)
Locate S,1 - Wicked Jaw (by Zak Mercado)
Log Across The Washer - It’s Funny How The Colors (by Matty McPherson)
Lola Pistola - Lizard EP (by Ali C)
Lomelda - Hannah (by Sean Fennell)
Lomelda - M For Empathy (by Erin Bensinger)
Lomelda - Thx (by Joe Gutierrez)
Long Beard - Means To Me (by Erin Bensiger)
Looms - The Way Up (by David Haynes)
Loose Tooth - Big Day (by Stephen Veith)
Lorelle Meets The Obsolete - 01052019 en vivo con Martín Delgado (by Carolina Simionato)
Lorelle Meets The Obsolete - Re-Facto (by Carolina Simionato)
Lost Boy ? - "Canned" - Live Ⓐ Shea Stadium (by Josh Ginsberg)
Lost Boy ? - Goose Wazoo (by Josh Ginsberg)
Lost Dog - Don’t Feel That (by Patrick Pilch)
The Love Language - Baby Grand (by Mike LeSuer)
Low - Double Negative (by Andrew Karpan)
Low - HEY WHAT (by Dash Lewis)
Lubec - Dividends (by Colin Vallee)
Luggage - Happiness (by Matty McPherson)
Luggage - Sun (by Jordan Reyes)
Luggage - Three (by Jacob Dempsey)
Lumpy & The Dumpers - Those Pickled Fuckers (by Ivan Krasnov)
Lunar Vacation - Everything Matters, Everything’s Fire (by Jare C)
Lunch Ladies - Down on Sunset Strip (by Timothy Michalik)
Lungbutter - Honey (by Lydia Pudzianowski)
Lushes - Service Industry (by Conor Rooney)
Lust Online - Go Outside (by Joseph Jr. Mastel)
Luxury Apartments - Luxury Apartments (by Tim Buck)
LVL UP - Return To Love (by Niccolo Dante Porcello)
Lync - Those Are Not Fall Colors (reissue) (by Kris Handel)
M.A.Z.E. - II (by Taylor Ruckle)
Ma’am - Can’t Talk, Being Chased. (by Sam Goblin)
Maassai - DEC0N$TRUCT!0N (by Patrick Pilch)
Mabe Fratti - Sentir que no sabes (by Aly Eleanor)
Mach-Hommy - Balens Cho (Hot Candles) (by Charles Davis)
Mach-Hommy - Pray For Haiti (by Charles Davis)
Mach-Hommy - #RICHAXXHAITIAN (by Justin Davis)
Mach-Hommy & Tha God Fahim - Notorious Dump Legends: Volume 2 (by Dan Goldin)
Macie Stewart - Mouth Full of Glass (by Cole Makuch)
Macula Dog - Breezy (by David Wilikofsky)
Magic Fig - Magic Fig (by Dan Goldin)
Mal Devisa - 12pm Rosewater (by Ljubinko Zivkovic)
Mal Devisa - Kiid (by Josh Ginsberg)
Mal Devisa - Vicious Nonbeliever (by Hugo Reyes)
Malamiko - All Pleasant Dreams (by Aly Eleanor)
Malatese - I'm Just Gonna Get In This Fucking Helicopter (by Chris Donnell)
Mamalarky - Mamalarky (by Kris Handel)
Mamalarky - Pocket Fantasy (by Becca Barglowski)
Mamaleek - Come and See (by Charles Davis)
The Man Named Turtle (documentary) (By Chris Donnell)
Manatree - Engines (by Myles Dunhill)
Mandy - Lawn Girl (by Shea Roney)
Mandy, Indiana - I’ve Seen A Way (by Giliann Karon)
Maneka - Dark Matters (by Will Floyd)
Maneka - Devin (by Kris Handel)
Maneka - Is You Is (by Sean Deveney)
Mannequin Pussy - I Got Heaven (by Sara Mae)
Mannequin Pussy - Patience (by Jeremy Winslow)
Mannequin Pussy - Romantic (by Eli Shively)
Manual de Combate - Mapas Auténticos del Mundo Imaginario. Mapas Imaginarios del Mundo Real (by Álvaro Molina)
Mapache - Roscoe’s Dream (by Roberto Johnson)
Marching Church - Telling It Like It Is (by Rob Cleveland)
Marge - Garge Munk (by Kelly Johnson)
Marina Allen - Centrifics (by David Lefkowitz)
Market - The Consistent Brutal Bullshit Gong (by Kris Handel)
Marnie Stern - The Comeback Kid (by Ljubinko Zivkovic)
Martha Skye Murphy - Um (by Devin Birse)
Marv Won - I’m Fine, Thanks For Asking (by Tim Buck)
Mary Jane Dunphe - Stage of Love (by Devin Birse)
Mary Timony - Untame The Tiger (by Christopher J. Lee)
Mastodon - Emperor of Sand (by Nick Otte)
Matt Robidoux - At Dust (by Ljubinko Zivkovic)
Matt Robidoux - Brief Candles (by Leah B. Levinson)
Mauno - Really Well (by Zoë Elaine)
Mauno - Tuning (by Jasmine Bourgeois)
Max Gowan - Bygones (by Nathan Springer)
Maxshh - Feedback & PB (by Ben Grigg)
May Rio - Easy Bammer (by Kris Handel)
mBtheLight - How To Dress Well In The Dark (by Will Floyd)
McKinley Dixon - Beloved! Paradise! Jazz!? (by Jare C)
McKinley Dixon - For My Mama and Anyone Who Look Like Her (by Ross Atkinson)
mclusky - Unpopular Parts of a Pig / The Digger You Deep (by Dan Goldin)
Meat Wave - Delusion Moon (by Kelly Johnson)
Meat Wave - Malign Hex (by Chris Coplan)
Meatbodies - Alice (by Eli Shively)
Meatbodies - Flora Ocean Tiger Bloom (by Zuzu Lacey)
Meg Baird - Furling (by Calvin Staropoli)
Mega Bog - End of Everything (by Elizabeth Braaten)
Mega Bog - Happy Together (by Joe Gutierrez)
Mega Bog - Life, And Another (by Matty McPherson)
Melenas - Ahora (by Rainy Maple Sugar Candy)
Melenas - Dias Raros (by David Wilikofsky)
Melkbelly - Bathroom at the Beach (by Glennon F. Curran)
Melkbelly - Nothing Valley (by Rob Cleveland)
Melkbelly - Pith (by Kris Handel)
Melody’s Echo Chamber - Emotional Eternal (by Chris Coplan)
Melody’s Echo Chamber - Unfold (by Ljubinko Zivkovic)
Melvins - Houdini, Stoner Witch, & Stag (Third Man Records Reissues) (by Kelly Johnson)
Melvins - Pinkus Abortion Technician (by Brian Manley)
MEMORIALS - Memorial Waterslides (by Dan Goldin)
Merce Lemon - Watch Me Drive Them Dogs Wild (by Kris Handel)
Merchandise - A Corpse Wired For Sound (by Dan Manning)
Mesh - Mesh (by Conor Lochrie)
Mess - Learning How To Talk (by Morgan Greenwood)
The Messthetics - The Messthetics (by Jonathan Bannister)
Metz - Atlas Vending (by Andy Ciardella)
Metz - Strange Peace (by Kyle Shaffer)
Metz - Up On Gravity Hill (by Myles Tiessen)
Meyhem Lauren, DJ Muggs, & Madlib - Champagne For Breakfast (by Dan Goldin)
M(h)aol - Attachment Styles (by Benji Heywood)
Mia Joy - Celestial Mirror (by Shea Roney)
Mia Joy - Spirit Tamer (by Conor Lochrie)
Mia June - Don’t Forget Your Bags (by Shea Roney)
The Miami Dolphins - Water Your Waiting For (by Myles Dunhill)
Michael Beach - 2022 EP (by David Lefkowitz)
The Microphones - Early Tapes, 1996 - 1998 (by Emma Shepard)
The Microphones - Microphones in 2020 (by Conor Lochrie)
Midnight Sister - Saturn Over Sunset (by Jacob Dempsey)
Midwife & Vyva Melinkolya - Orbweaving (by Anna Solomon)
Mikal Cronin - Seeker (by Gianluigi Marsibilio)
MIKE - Burning Desire (by Justin Davis)
Mike Etten - Love Wash (by Ljubinko Zivkovic)
Mike Polizze - Long Lost Solace Find (by Gianluigi Marsibilio)
The Milk Carton Kids - I Only See The Moon (by David Lefkowitz)
Milked - Bruised Fruit and Other Perishables (by Jasmine Bourgeois)
Milked - Crawling Passed (by Kris Handel)
Milked - Death On Mars (by Alex Colston)
Milkweed - Myths and Legends of Wales (by Rhys Delany)
Milo+Stove - Oceanography (by Jonathan Bannister)
Mind Shrine - Is It You? (by Becca Barglowski)
Mind Spiders - Furies (by Mike LeSuer)
Mineral - One Day When We Are Young: Mineral at 25 (by Hugo Reyes)
Miners - A Healthy Future On Earth (by Kris Handel)
Minikin Presents - Afterthoughts (by Niccolo Dante Porcello)
Mint Field - Aprender A Ser: Extended (by Jonah Evans)
Miranda Winters - All-Purpose (by Maria Bobbitt-Chertock)
Miranda Winters - Xobeci, What Grows Here? (by Allison Kridle)
Miserable - Loverboy / Dog Days (by Mike LeSuer)
Mister Goblin - Bunny (by Nik Skilton)
Mister Goblin - Four People In An Elevator And One Of Them Is The Devil (by Scott Yohe)
Mister Goblin - Frog Poems (by Christopher J. Lee)
Mister Goblin - Is Path Warm? (by Katie Hanford)
Mitski - The Land Is Inhospitable and So Are We (by Jare C)
Mitski - Laurel Hell (by Devon Chodzin)
Mitski - Puberty 2 (by Emma Shepard)
MJ Lenderman - Boat Songs (by Kris Handel)
MJ Lenderman - Manning Fireworks (by Kris Handel)
Mo Dotti - Guided Imagery (by Zach Noel)
Mo Dotti - Opaque (by Louis Pelingen)
Moaning Lisa - Do You Know Enough? (by Joe Wasserman)
Mock Identity - Where You Live (by Chanell Noise)
MOD CON - Modern Condition (by Dominic Acito)
Modern Cosmology - What Will You Grow Now? (by Zak Mercado)
Modern Nature - Annual (by Conor Lochrie)
Modern Rituals - This Is The History (by Alex Milstein)
Mogwai - Atomic (by Nicholas Otte)
Moin - You Never End (by Devin Birse)
Momma - Household Name (by Seth Daspit)
Momma - Two of Me (by David Wilikofsky)
Monobody - Comma (by Daniel Stevenson)
Monocot - Leave To Cool (by Emma Ingrisani)
Moon Duo - Occult Architecture Vol. 1 (by Sean Redmond)
Moontype - Bodies of Water (by Kris Handel)
Mope Grooves - Desire (by Andy Andrade)
Mope Grooves - Joy (by Kat Harding)
More Klementines - Who Remembers Light (by Carolina Simionato)
Morpho - Morpho Season (by Kris Handel)
Moth - Machine Nation (by Conor Lochrie)
Mother Tongues - Love In A Vicious Way (by Klaudio Krstić)
Motherhood - Dear Bongo (by Matt Keim)
Motherhood - Thunder Perfect Mind (by Matt Watton)
Mothers - Render Another Ugly Method (by Kris Handel)
Mothers - When You Walk A Long Distance You Are Tired (by Max Freedman)
Mothers - When You Walk A Long Distance You Are Tired (Deluxe Edition) (by Max Freedman)
Motorists - Surrounded (by Ljubinko Zivkovic)
Mount Eerie - (After) (by Ryan Bollenbach)
Mount Eerie - Now Only (by Dylan Pennell)
Mount Eerie with Julie Doiron - Lost Wisdom, Pt. 2 (by Nick Benson)
Mountain Movers - Pink Skies (by Dylan Pennell)
Mountain Movers - World What World (by Ross Jenkins)
Mourn - Ha, Ha, He. (by Niccolo Dante Porcello)
Mourn - Self Worth (by Zane Castillo)
Mourn - Sorpresa Familia (by Niccolo Dante Porcello)
Mr. Elevator - Goodbye, Blue Sky (by Alex Whitelaw)
Mr. Husband - Kenny Husband & The Husky Section (by David Haynes)
Mr. Husband - Ocean Pines (by David Haynes)
Mrs. Magician - Bermuda (by Niko Nygard)
mui zyu - nothing or something to die for (by Ljubinko Zivkovic)
mui zyu - Rotten Bun For An Eggless Century (by Ljubinko Zivkovic)
Multicult - Simultaneity Now (by Patrick Pilch)
Mulva - Bitter Form (by Chris Coplan)
Mulva - Seer EP (by Chris Coplan)
The Murlocs - Bittersweet Demons (by Conor Lochrie)
Mush - 3D Routine (by Elise Barbin)
Mush - Lines Redacted (by Conor Lochrie)
Mushfoot - Time Before Land (by Ljubinko Zivkovic)
MX Lonely - Spit (by Jade Winings)
My Best Unbeaten Brother - Pessimistic Pizza (by Sara Mae)
My Wall - OVER (by Devon Chodzin)
Nag - Human Coward Coyote (by Liz Van Horn)
Naima Bock - Below A Massive Dark Land (by Ljubinko Zivkovic)
Naima Bock - Giant Palm (by Ljubinko Zivkovic)
Naja Naja - Naja Naja (by Matty McPherson)
Naked Roommate - Pass The Loofah (by Kris Handel)
Naomi Punk - Yellow (by Dylan Laug)
Nap Eyes - I'm Bad Now (by Corey Sustarich)
Nap Eyes - The Neon Gate (by Matt Watton)
Nap Eyes - Snapshot of a Beginner (by David Wilikofsky)
Natalie Jane Hill - Solely (by Kris Handel)
Nate Dionne - Fantasy (by Selina Yang)
Nate Terepka - Not Yet (by Ljubinko Zivkovic)
Natural Information Society - Since Time Is Gravity (by Álvaro Molina)
Navy Blue - Ways Of Knowing (by Justin Davis)
Navy Gangs - Poach (by Allison Kridle)
Nazca Plate - All Fingers Point To The Moon (by Louis Marrone)
Necrot - Lifeless Birth (by Dan Goldin)
Necrot - Mortal (by Hugo Reyes)
Negative Scanner - Nose Picker (by Chris Prod)
Neil Young - Harvest (50th Anniversary Edition) (by Jon Shina)
Neil Young - Songs for Judy (by David Haynes)
Neil Young and Crazy Horse - Way Down In The Rust Bucket (by Will Henriksen)
Neutral Milk Hotel - The Collected Works of Neutral Milk Hotel (by Grace Robins-Somerville)
Neutrals - New Town Dream (by Scott Yohe)
Never Young - NY Singles Tape (by Torrey Proto)
Nicfit - Fuse (by Myles Tiessen)
Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - Skeleton Tree (by Dan Manning)
Nick Cave & Warren Ellis - Carnage (by Dominic Acito)
Nicole Yun - Matter (by Ryan Meyer)
Niecy Blues - Exit Simulation (by Matty McPherson)
Nightshift - Homosapien (by Chris Coplan)
Nightshift - Made Of The Earth (by Ljubinko Zivkovic)
Nightshift - Zöe (by Heather Williams)
Nighttime - Hand In The Dark (by Thrin Vianale)
Nighttime - Keeper Is The Heart (by Ljubinko Zivkovic)
Nina Ryser - I Hope All Of Your Dreams Come True (by Nicholas Rahn)
Nina Ryser - Paths of Color (by Patrick Pilch)
Nina Ryser - Water Giants (by Patrick Pilch)
Nine Inch Nails - Add Violence (by Mark McConville)
Nine Inch Nails - Not The Actual Events (by Jonathan Bannister)
NNAMDÏ - BRAT (by Evan Welsh)
NNAMDÏ - KRAZY KARL (by Ryan Martin)
NNAMDÏ - Please Have A Seat (by Layton Guyton)
No Age - Goons Be Gone (by Ian MacPhee)
No Age - Snares Like A Haircut (by Dylan Pennell)
No Babies - Someone To Watch Over Me (by Joshua Hoey)
No Joy - Drool Sucker (by Jackson Abatemarco)
No Joy - Motherhood (by Andy Ciardella)
Nocturnal Habits - New Skin For Old Children (by Ony Ratsimbaharison)
Nolan Potter - Music Is Dead (by Charles Davis)
Nonlocal Forecast - Bubble Universe! (by Patrick Pilch)
Nopes - Stapler (by Kris Handel)
The North Country - In Defense of Cosmic Altruism (by Connor McInerney)
Not For You - Drift (by Andrew Hertzberg)
Not For You - Drown (by Tim Crisp)
Nothing - Dance On The Blacktop (by Jonathan Bannister)
Nots - Cosmetic (by Kat Harding)
The Notwist - Vertigo Days (by Scott Yohe)
Nude Model - Crying Games (by Patrick Pilch)
Nyokabi Kariuki - Peace Places: Kenyan Memories (by Matty McPherson)
Nyxy Nyx - Anything (by Patrick Pilch)
Nyxy Nyx & Bad History Month - Death Takes A Holiday (by Dominic Acito)
Objections - Optimistic Sizing (by Chris Coplan)
Oceanator - Things I Never Said (by David Wilikofsky)
OCS - Memory of a Cut Off Head (by Julie Smitka)
Odonis Odonis - Post Plague (by Torrey Proto)
Off Beat Degradations - Fluoxeteen (by Jare C)
Office Dog - Doggerland (by Niccolo Porcello)
Oh No & Roy Ayers - Good Vibes / Bad Vibes (by Justin Davis)
Oh Sees - Orc (by Mike LeSuer)
Ohmme - Fantasize Your Ghost (by Emma Bauchner)
Old Iron - Lupus Metallorum (by Ryan Bollenbach)
Old Maybe - Piggity Pink (by Jasmine Bourgeois)
Old Table - Sexual Reproduction (11 1/2 Year Anniversary Edition) (by Nathan Springer)
Olivia W-B - Minis (by Patrick Pilch)
Olivia’s World - Tuff 2B Tender (by Carolina Simionato)
Omeed & The Natural Scene - Pickled Dawn (by Charles Davis)
Omni - Multi-task (by Katie Hanford)
Omni - Networker (by Josef McGuigan)
Omni - Souvenir (by Tim Buck)
One’s A Crowd - Fictorian Era//Bedroom Pomp (by Taylor Ruckle)
Oneohtrix Point Never - Magic Oneohtrix Point Never (by Alex Johnson)
ONO - Red Summer (by Patrick Pilch)
Oozing Wound - High Anxiety (by Jordan J. Michael)
Oozing Wound - We Cater To Cowards (by Benji Heywood)
Oozing Wound - Whatever Forever (by Shaina Vriezelaar)
Open Head - Joy, And Other Sufferings (by Benji Heywood)
Open Head - What Is Success (by Chris Polley)
Operator Music Band - Coördination (by Dylan Pennell)
Operator Music Band - Deep Break (by Will Floyd)
Operator Music Band - Matérielmusik (by Joe Gutierrez)
Operator Music Band - Puzzlephonics I (by Joe Gutierrez)
Operator Music Band - Puzzlephonics I & II (by Matt Voracek)
The Ophelias - Almost (by Colin Vallee)
Opposite Sex - Hamlet (by Jonathan Bannister)
Options - On The Draw (by Patrick Pilch)
Options - Vivid Trace (by Katie Hanford)
ORB - Tailem Bend (by Ljubinko Zivkovic)
Order of the Toad - Re-Order of the Toad (by Conor Lochrie)
Ordinary Reaper - No Plans (by Kris Handel)
Oruã - Ìngreme (by Ryan Meyer)
Oruã / Disco Doom - Esmeralda Destiny Analysis (by Álvaro Molina)
Osees - A Foul Form (by Travis Shosa)
Otoboke Beaver - Itekoma Hits (by Matt Keim)
Otoboke Beaver - Super Champon (by Will Floyd)
Ovlov - Buds (by Benji Heywood)
Ovlov - Greatest Hits Vol. II (by Tim Crisp)
Ovlov - TRU (by Katie Hanford)
P.E. - Person (by Jonathan Bannister)
P.E. - The Reason For My Love (by Conor Lochrie)
Pack Rat - Life’s A Trap (by Matt Watton)
PACKS - Crispy Crunchy Nothing (by Chris Coplan)
PACKS - Melt The Honey (by Shea Roney)
PACKS - Take The Cake (by Alyana Vera)
PACKS - WOAH (by Kris Handel)
Painted Zeros - Floriography (by Bobby Cardos)
PAL - PALS (by Jare C)
Palberta - Bye Bye Berta (by Josh Ginsberg)
Palberta - Palberta5000 (by Elise Barbin)
Palberta - Roach Goin' Down (by Brian Manley)
Palehound - A Place I'll Always Go (by Sean Deveney)
Palehound - Black Friday (by Morgan Greenwood)
Palehound - Eye On The Bat (by Kris Handel)
Palehound - Live at First Congregational Church (by Alice Zakusilo)
Palm - Nicks and Grazes (by Kris Handel)
Palm - Rock Island (by Jasmine Bourgeois)
Palm - Shadow Expert (by Sean Deveney)
Palm - Trading Basics (by Hannah Liuzzo)
Palm Friends - The Delivery (by Ljubinko Zivkovic)
Paper Bee - Thaw, Freeze, Thaw (by Sara Mae)
The Paranoyds - I Like It Here (by Alice Zakusilo)
Pardoner - Came Down Different (by Torrey Proto)
Pardoner - Paranoid In Hell (by Matt Watton)
Pardoner - Peace Loving People (by Matt Watton)
Pardoner - Uncontrollable Salvation (by Gordon Phillips)
Parlor Walls - EXO (by Patrick Pilch)
Parlor Walls - Opposites (by JP Basileo)
Parquet Courts - Human Performance (by Sebastian Friis Sharif)
Parquet Courts - Wide Awake (by Katixa Espinoza)
Parrot Dream - Light Goes (by Zoë Elaine)
Parsnip - Adding Up (by Elise Barbin)
Parsnip - Behold (by Chris Polley)
Parsnip - When The Tree Bears Fruit (by Kris Handel)
Part Chimp - Drool (by Jeremy Zerbe)
Patio - Collection (by Kris Handel)
Patio - Essentials (by Kris Handel)
Patter - Patter Theme (by Chris Coplan)
Patter - Patter Theme 2 (by Anna Solomon)
Patti - Good Big (by by Meaghan Weiley)
Patti - The Toothpick 3 (by Emma Ingrisani)
The Pauses - Unbuilding (by Jeff Laughlin)
Pavement - Cautionary Tales: Jukebox Classiques (by Christopher J. Lee)
Pavement - Westing (by Musket and Sextant) (Reissue) (by Matty McPherson)
PAX - Ouch (by Patrick Pilch)
PC Worship - Basement Hysteria (by Chris Harris)
The Peacers - Blexxed Rec (by Charles Davis)
Peaer - A Healthy Earth (by Tom Alexander)
Peaer - Peaer (by Josh Ginsberg)
Pearl & The Oysters - Coast 2 Coast (by Zak Mercado)
Pearl & The Oysters - Flowerland (by Ljubinko Zivkovic)
Pearl & The Oysters - Planet Pearl (by John Brouk)
Pedazo De Carne Con Ojo - Dun Dun (by Ted Davis)
Pedazo De Carne Con Ojo - ¿Pero Like Cómo E'tá? (by Patrick Pilch)
Peel Dream Magazine - Agitprop Alterna (by Conor Lochrie)
Peel Dream Magazine - Modern Meta Physic (by Joe Gaudiana)
Peel Dream Magazine - Rose Main Reading Room (by Chris Polley)
Peel Dream Magazine - Up and Up (by Sara Nuta)
Perennial - Art History (by Emmanuel Castillo)
Perennial - In The Midnight Hour (by Emmanuel Castillo)
Perennial - The Leaves of Autumn Symmetry (by Emmanuel Castillo)
Perfect Angels - Exit From The Ultra-World (by Ljubinko Zivkovic)
Personality Cult - New Arrows (by Matt Keim)
Pet - Ten Thousand Years (by Stephen Veith)
Pet Fox - A Face In Your Life (by Kris Handel)
Pet Fox - More Than Anything (by Zach Zollo)
Pet Fox - Pet Fox (by Colin Vallee)
Pet Fox - Rare Occasion (by Sabrina Cofer)
Petite League - Rips One Into The Night (by Allison Kridle)
PFFU - Ghostass (by Dom Lepore)
Philary - I Complain (by Jen Bender)
Philary - Uh Oh It’s Me (by Charles Davis)
Physique - Overcome By Pain (by Matty Terrones)
Pictoria Vark - The Parts I Dread (by Andy Ciardella)
Pictorial Candi - Secret Salts (by B. Levinson)
Picture That - Strum (by John Brouk)
Pig Destroyer - The Octagonal Stairway (by Álvaro Molina)
Pigs - Wronger (by Jeremy Zerbe)
Pile - All Fiction (by Dominic Acito)
Pile - Demonstration (reissue) (by Hugo Reyes)
Pile - Green and Gray (by Jonathan Bannister)
Pile - A Hairshirt of Purpose (by Cole Kinsler)
Pile - Hot Air Balloon EP (by Selina Yang)
Pile - In The Corners of a Sphere-Filled Room (by Hugo Reyes)
Pile - Jerk Routine (by Scott Nicholas)
Pile - Magic Isn’t Real (reissue) (by Hugo Reyes)
Pile - Second Other Tape (by Dominic Acito)
Pile - Songs Known Together, Alone (by Jade Winings)
Pile - You're Better Than This (by Ethan Jaynes)
Pill - The Dull Tools Tapes (by Jonathan Bannister)
Pill - Soft Hell (by Jonathan Bannister)
Pill Friends - Let's Be Nice (by Allison Kridle)
Pinch Points - Mechanical Injury (Reissue) (by Chris Coplan)
Pinch Points - Moving Parts (by Matt Keim)
Pinch Points - Process (by Kris Handel)
Pink Siifu - Gumbo’! (by Krishan Meepe)
Pinocchio - Pinocchio (by Joseph Farago)
Piroshka - Brickbat (by Jonathan Bannister)
Pissed Jeans - Half Divorced (by Case Cockrell)
Pissed Jeans - Why Love Now (by Joshua Robbins)
PJ Harvey - B-Sides, Demos & Rarities (by Benji Heywood)
PJ Harvey - The Hope Six Demolition Project (by Kelly Johnson)
PJ Harvey - I Inside The Old Year Dying (by Dana Poland)
PJ Harvey - Stories From The City, Stories From The Sea [reissue] (by Sam Jennings)
PJ Harvey - White Chalk [reissue] (by Will Henriksen)
Planning For Burial - Below The House (by Dan Manning)
Pleistocene - Spear (by Roger Kuhn)
Pllush - Stranger To The Pain (by Corey Sustarich)
PLOSIVS - PLOSIVS (by Matt Watton)
Plush / Sports - Split (by Julia Leiby)
Poise - Poise EP (by Katie Hanford)
Poise - Vestiges (by Conor Lochrie)
Poison Ruïn - Härvest (by Dan Goldin)
Polvo - Polvo [reissue] (by Spencer vH)
Polyon - Blue (by Jeremy Zerbe)
Pom Poko - Champion (by Scott Yohe)
Pom Poko - Cheater (by Benji Heywood)
Pom Poko - This Is Our House (by Aly Eleanor)
Pom Pom Squad - Death of a Cheerleader (by Zach Zollo)
Pom Pom Squad - Ow (by Tom Alexander)
Pons - The Liquid Self (by Jare C)
Poolblood - Mole (by Liz Van Horn)
Poolblood - (by Charlie Pecorella)
Pope - True Talent Champion (by Mike LeSuer)
Poppies - Good (by Katixa Espinoza)
Population II - À la Ô Terre (by Heather Williams)
Porches - The House (by Dylan Pennell)
Porches - Pool (by Niccolo Dante Porcello)
Porches - Ricky Music (by Conor Lochrie)
Porches - Water (by Emma Shepard)
Porridge Radio - Clouds In The Sky They Will Always Be There For Me (by Chris Polley)
Portishead - Roseland NYC Live 25 (by Benji Heywood)
Posse - Horse Blanket (by Colin Vallee)
Possible Humans - Everybody Split (by Heather Williams)
Pottery - Welcome To Bobby’s Motel (by David Wilikofsky)
Pouty - Forgot About Me (by Jade Winings)
Power Trip - Live In Seattle 05.28.2018 (by Hugo Reyes)
Powerplant - A Spine / Evidence (by Allison Lapinski)
Powerplant - Grass (by Chris Coplan)
Pre Nup - Oh Well (by Sacha Kingston-Wayne)
Preoccupations - Arrangements (by Ross Holder)
Prewn - Through The Window (by Kris Handel)
Priests - Nothing Feels Natural (by Jonathan Bannister)
Priests - The Seduction of Kansas (by Gianluigi Marsibilio)
Primitive Man - Insurmountable (by Devon Chodzin)
Primo! - Sogni (by Kris Handel)
Prissy Whip - R.I.P. AF (by Jasmine Bourgeois)
Profligate - Somewhere Else (by Joe Thomas)
Profligate - Too Numb To Know (by Patrick Pilch)
Protomartyr - Formal Growth In The Desert (by Dominic Acito)
Protomartyr - Relatives in Descent (by Jonathan Bannister)
Protomartyr - Ultimate Success Today (by David Wilikofsky)
Protruders - Poison Future (by Kris Handel)
Proun - Form (by Jade Winings)
Prostitute - Attempted Martyr (by Devin Birse)
Psychic Flowers - For The Undertow (by Ljubinko Zivkovic)
Psychic Graveyard & USA Nails - Split (by Ursula Wren)
Public Phone School - Public Phone School (by Matty McPherson)
Public Practice - Distance Is A Mirror (by Patrick Pilch)
Pudge - Bad Land (by Ggregg Stull)
Puppy Problems - (((((demos)))) (by Annie Fell)
Puppy Problems - Winter In Fruitland (by Ross Holder)
Pure Adult - II (by James Grimshaw)
Pure X - Pure X (by David Wilikofsky)
Purple Mountains - Purple Mountains (by Max Kaplan)
Pusha T - It’s Almost Dry (by Eric Foreman)
PVA - Blush (by Matty McPherson)
Pylon - Pylon Box (by Elise Barbin)
PYNKIE - Songies (by Jade Winings)
Pyrrhon - Abscess Time (by Mick Reed)
Queen Moo - Faint Sounds of Us Hanging Out (by Kjell Hansen)
Queen of Jeans - All Again (by Alyanna Moralda)
Queen of Jeans - Hiding In Place (by Eric Foreman)
Queen Serene - 2 (by Kris Handel)
Queens of the Stone Age - Queens of the Stone Age (reissue) (by Ben Hohenstatt)
Queens of the Stone Age - Villains (by Rob Cleveland)
Quelle Chris - DEATHFAME (by Charles Davis)
Quicksand - Interiors (by Jonah Evans)
R. Ring - War Poems, We Rested (by Eric Foreman)
Raavi - The Upside (by Shea Roney)
Racoma - This Front Room (by Wade Phillips)
Radiator Hospital - Can’t Make Any Promises (by Dana Poland)
Radiator Hospital - Play The Songs You Like (by Niccolo Dante Porcello)
Radiator Hospital - Watching A Fire (by John Brouk)
Radiohead - A Moon Shaped Pool (by Marcus Gauthiér)
Railings - ) ( (by Josh Ginsberg)
The Raincoats - The Raincoats [reissue] (by Max Kaplan)
Raisalka - Auratone (by Kris Handel)
Ratboys - GL (by Joe Wasserman)
Ratboys - GN (by Tim Crisp)
Ratboys - Printer’s Devil (by Taylor Ysteboe)
Ratboys - The Window (by Jare C)
Red Death - Formidable Darkness (by Jacob Dempsey)
Red Death - Sickness Divine (by Mick Reed)
Red Fang - Arrows (by Stephen Hicks)
Red Hare - Lexicon Mist (by Angela Phillips)
Red Ribbon - Red Ribbon (by Jade Winings)
Red Scarves - Ghost Hunter (by Patrick Pilch)
Renata Zeiguer - Faraway Business (by Dylan Pennell)
Renata Zeiguer - Old Ghost (by Dylan Pennell)
Renata Zeiguer - Picnic In The Dark (by Devon Chodzin)
Renée Reed - Renée Reed (by Will Henriksen)
Reptaliens - Multiverse (by Sara Nuta)
Retirement - Buyer’s Remorse (by Álvaro Molina)
Ribbon Stage - Hit With The Most (by Al Crisafulli)
Ribbonhead - I Must Have Peace, And This Is The Only Way (by Rebecca Satellite)
Richard Dawson - 2020 (by David Wilikofsky)
Richard Dawson - The Ruby Cord (by James Grimshaw)
Rick Rude - Laverne (by Dan Goldin)
Rick Rude - Make Mine Tuesday (by Cole Kinsler)
Rick Rude - Split (by Eric Gagne)
Rick Rude - Verb For Dreaming (by Jonah Evans)
Rider/Horse - Feed ‘Em Salt (by Al Crisafulli)
Rider/Horse - Matted (by Chris Coplan)
Ringo Deathstarr - Pure Mood (by Ryan Allen)
Ringo Deathstarr - Ringo Deathstarr (by Rob Moura)
R.M.F.C. - Club Hits (by Zak Mercado)
Rob Crow's Gloomy Place - You're Doomed. Be Nice. (by Jonathan Bannister)
Robber Robber - Wild Guess (by Kris Handel)
Robert Pollard With Doug Gillard - Speak Kindly of Your Volunteer Fire Department (reissue) (by Kris Handel)
ROCK - ROCK (by Patrick Pilch)
Rock Solid / June Gloom - Something Solid / Subletter (by Katixa Espinoza)
Rome Streetz - Noise Kandy 5 (by Dan Goldin)
Rong - Live at New Alliance (by Dan Goldin)
Rong - Wormhat (by Kris Handel)
Rong + The Cost Ov Living - Rong // The Cost Ov Living (by Jonathan Mottola)
Rosali - Bite Down (by Emma Ingrisani)
Rosali - No Medium (by Dominic Acito)
Rose City Band - Earth Trip (by Ross Jenkins)
Rose Mercie - ¿Kieres Agua? (by Chris Coplan)
Rose, Water, Fountain - Rose, Water, Fountain (by Ljubinko Zivkovic)
The Royal They - Foreign Being (by James Factora)
Ruin Lust - Choir of Babel (by Mick Reed)
Running - Wake Up Applauding (by Kelly Johnson)
Ruth Garbus - Kleinmeister (by Joe Gutierrez)
Ryan Power - They Sell Doomsday (by Myles Dunhill)
Sachet - The Seeing Machine (by Brendan Telford)
Sad13 - Haunted Painting (by Matthew Gilberto)
Sad13 - Slugger (by Josh Ginsberg)
Salad Boys - This Is Glue (by Phillipe Roberts)
Sam Evian - Plunge (by Ljubinko Zivkovic)
Sam Evian - You, Forever (by Huw Baines)
Sarah Morrison - Attachment Figure (by Kris Handel)
SASAMI - Squeeze (by Will Floyd)
Saturday Night - Saturday Night (by Joe Gutierrez)
Sauna Youth - Distractions (by Andrew Leeper)
Science Man - Nines Mecca (by Jare C)
Scout Gillett - No Roof No Floor (by Kris Handel)
Screaming Females - Desire Pathway (by Jare C)
Screensaver - Expressions of Interest (by Conor Lochrie)
Scrunchies - Colossal (by Alice Zakusilo)
Scrunchies - Feral Coast (by Em Moore)
Scrunchies - Stunner (by Aly Eleanor)
Sean Eldon - You Didn't (by Alex Colston)
Sean Henry - A Jump From The High Dive (by Tom Alexander)
Sean Henry - Fink (by Dalvin Aboagye)
Sebadoh - Act Surprised (by Kris Handel)
The Sediment Club - Stucco Thieves (by Patrick Pilch)
The Serfs - Primal Matter (by Myles Tiessen)
Shady Bug - Lemon Lime (by Patrick Pilch)
Shady Bug - What’s The Use? (by Shea Roney)
Shady Nasty - Shady Nasty (by Matt Voracek)
Shalom - Sublimation (by Jade Winings)
Shame - Drunk Tank Pink (by Conor Lochrie)
Shame - Food For Worms (by Gianluigi Marsibilio)
Shamir - Resolution (by Kenny Ramos)
Shamir - Revelations (by Kenny Ramos)
Shana Cleveland - Manzanita (by Dan Goldin)
Shana Cleveland - Night of the Worm Moon (by Ryan Haughey)
Shannon and the Clams - The Moon Is In The Wrong Place (by Alice Zakusilo)
Shannon and the Clams - Year of the Spider (by Charles Davis)
Sharkmuffin - Gamma Gardening (by Tom Alexander)
Sharkula x Muqks - Take Caution on the Beach (by Patrick Pilch)
She Keeps Bees - Kinship (by Jonathan Bannister)
Sheer Mag - Playing Favorites (by Ljubinko Zivkovic)
Sheer Mag - Need To Feel Your Love (by Tim Crisp)
Shelf Life - Spirit Bear (Deluxe Edition) (by Alex Azuelos)
Shell of a Shell - Already There (by Mike LeSuer)
Shell of a Shell - Away Team (by Thrin Vianale)
Shellac - To All Trains (by Kris Handel)
The Shifters - The Shifters [reissue] (by Conor Lochrie)
Shilpa Ray - Door Girl (by Max Freedman)
Shilpa Ray - Portrait of a Lady (by Chris Coplan)
S.H.I.T. - For A Better World (by Cam Harper)
Shop Regulars - Shop Regulars (by Zak Mercado)
Shopping - All Or Nothing (by Conor Lochrie)
Shopping - The Official Body (by Julie Smitka)
Shopping - Why Choose (by Jonathan Bannister)
Shormey - Boogie Tape Vol. 1 (by Matthew Hirsch)
Shrapnel - Alasitas (by Conor Lochrie)
Shya - Big Car (by Nick McGuire)
Sick Day - Love Is A State of Mind (by Alex Reindl)
Sightless Pit - Lockstep Bloodwar (by Ursula Wren)
Silicone Prairie - My Life on The Silicone Prairie (by Matt Watton)
Silicone Prairie - Vol. II (by Dan Goldin)
Silkworm - In The West [reissue] (by Kris Handel)
Silver Car Crash - Shattered Shine (by Elizabeth Braaten)
Silverbacks - Archive Material (by Jeremy Bennett)
Silverbacks - Fad (by Sean Fennell)
Sinead O’Brien - Drowning In Blessings (by Dominic Acito)
Sinwat - Sinwat (by Scott Yohe)
Sister. - Abundance (by Shea Roney)
Sitcom - Be The One You Love (by Jorge Velez)
Six Organs of Admittance - Burning The Threshold (by Kat Harding)
Skeletal Remains - Fragments of the Ageless (by Dan Goldin)
Sky Mata - Dye Xanh (by Matt Keim)
Sleater-Kinney - Little Rope (by Alice Zakusilo)
Sleater-Kinney - Live In Paris (by Jasmine Bourgeois)
Sleeper’s Bell - Umarell (by Shea Roney)
Sleepies - Natural Selection (by Katie Holliday)
Sleeping Bag & Rozwell Kid - Dreamboats 2: A Real Chill Sequel (by Will Sisskind)
Slender - Time On Earth (by B. Levinson)
Slight Of - Other People (by Taylor Ruckle)
Slint - Tweez (35th Anniversary Edition) (by Christopher J. Lee)
Slippers - So You Like Slippers? (by Kris Handel)
Sloppy Jane - Madison (by Dominic Acito)
Slothrust - Everyone Else (by Conor Rooney)
Slothrust - The Pact (by Allison Kridle)
Slow Pulp - Yard (by Jade Winings)
Slowdive - Slowdive (by Allison Kridle)
Sluice - Radial Gate (by Calvin Staropoli)
Smarts - Who Needs Smarts, Anyway? (by Kris Handel)
The Smile - A Light For Attracting Attention (by Gianluigi Marsibilio)
The Smile - Cutouts (by Joseph Jr. Mastel)
Smile Machine - Bye For Now (by Kris Handel)
Smirk - Material (by Al Crisafulli)
Smoke Bellow - Open For Business (by Dash Lewis)
Smoke Bellow - Structurally Sound (by Ljubinko Zivkovic)
Snail Mail - Habit (by Arielle Mercier)
Snail Mail - Lush (by Dalvin Aboagye)
Snail Mail - Valentine (by Ryan Meyer)
The Snakes - The Snakes (by Kris Handel)
Snakeskin - Hangnail (by Jonathan Bannister)
Snapped Ankles - Forest of Your Problems (by Krishan Meepe)
Sneaks - Highway Hypnosis (by Jordan J. Michael)
Sneaks - It's A Myth (by Matt Voracek)
Snooper - Snōōper (by Corey Sustarich)
Snooper - Super Snōōper (by Emma Ingrisani)
Snooper - Town Topic (by Matt Watton)
Snooper / Prison Affair - Split (by Charlie Pecorella)
So Pitted - Neo (by Conor Rooney)
So Totally - In The Shape Of… (by Joel Parmer)
Soakie - Soakie (by Jacob Saxton)
Soccer Team - Real Lessons in Cynicism (by Jonathan Bannister)
Soda - Without a Head (by Ronnie Francisco)
Soft Blue Shimmer - Heaven Inches Away (by Ted Davis)
Soft Blue Shimmer - Love Lives In The Body (by Jade Winings)
Soft Fangs - Fractures (by Charles Hoyt)
Soft Fangs - The Light (by Ethan Jaynes)
Soft Idiot - Some Captured Light (by Jare C)
Soft Kill - Savior (by Jonathan Bannister)
Sonic Youth - Battery Park, NYC: July 4, 2008 (by Gianluigi Marsibilio)
Sonic Youth - Live In Brooklyn 2011 (by Matty McPherson)
Sonny & The Sunsets - Self Awareness Through Macrame (by John Brouk)
Sonny Falls - All That Has Come Apart/Once Did Not Exist (by Patrick Pilch)
Sonny Falls - Stoned, Beethoven Blasting (by Alex Reindl)
Sorespot - Gifts of Consciousness (by Jeremy Winslow)
Sorry - 925 (by David Wilikofsky)
Soul Glo - Diaspora Problems (by Jean-Michel Lacombe)
Soul Glo - Songs To Yeet At The Sun (by Hugo Reyes)
Sour Widows - Crossing Over (by Isobel Mohyeddin)
Sour Widows - Sour Widows (by Dan Goldin)
Space Camp - Force Femmed (by Mike LeSuer)
Space Camp - Overjoyed In This World (by Hugo Reyes)
Space Mountain - Big Sky (by Charles Hoyt)
Space Mountain - Gargantua (by Samantha Martasian)
Space Mountain - Supermundane (by Joe Gutierrez)
SPACED - This Is All We Ever Get (by Jare C)
Spacemoth - No Past No Future (by Devon Chodzin)
The Spatulas - Beehive Mind (by Matt Watton)
Special Friend - Ennemi Commun (by Conor Lochrie)
Special Interest - The Passion Of (by Amy Rowe)
Special World - Special World (by Sara Mae)
Spectral Voice - Necrotic Demos (by Hugo Reyes)
Speedy Ortiz - Rabbit Rabbit (by Jordan J. Michael)
Speedy Ortiz - Twerp Verse (by Mike LeSuer)
Spellbinder - Heavenhouse (by Jen Bender)
Spelljammer - Abyssal Trip (by Jeremy Zerbe)
Spencer Radcliffe - Looking In (by Catherine Vianale)
Spencer Radcliffe & Everyone Else - Hot Spring (by Gianluigi Marsibilio)
Spencer Radcliffe & Everyone Else - If I Knew How (by Nick Adams)
Spice - Spice (by Jon Piotrowski)
Spice World - There’s No “I” In Spice World (by Kris Handel)
Spiral Dub - Spiral Dub (by Chris Coplan)
Spiral Wave Nomads - First Encounters (by Carolina Simionato)
Spiral Wave Nomads - Spiral Wave Nomads (by Joe Gutierrez)
Spirit of the Beehive - Entertainment, Death (by Reggie Bender)
Spirit of the Beehive - Hypnic Jerks (by Nick Adams)
Spirit of the Beehive - I’m So Lucky (by Giliann Karon)
Spirit of the Beehive - Pleasure Suck (by Emma Shepard)
Spirit of the Beehive - You Are Arrived (But You've Been Cheated) (by Graham Crainshaw)
Spirit of the Beehive - You’ll Have To Lose Something (by Anika Maculangan)
Spirit Was - Heaven’s Just A Cloud (by Kris Handel)
Spirits Having Fun - Auto-Portrait (by Lucio Oquendo III)
Spirits Having Fun - Two (by Delia Rainey)
Spiritual Mafia - Alfresco (by Conor Lochrie)
Spiritualized - Amazing Grace (reissue) (by Ljubinko Zivkovic)
Split System - Vol. 2 (by Chris Coplan)
SPLLIT - Infinite Hatch (by Dan Goldin)
Sports / Plush - Split (by Julia Leiby)
Sprain - As Lost Through Collision (by Ian MacPhee)
Sprain - The Lamb as Effigy or Three Hundred And Fifty XOXOXOS For A Spark Union With My Darling Divine (by Scott Yohe)
Spray Paint - Dopers (by Bobby Cardos)
Spray Paint & The Rebel - Charles And Roy’s Purple Wang (by Brian Manley)
Springtime - Night Raver EP (by Benji Heywood)
Squid - Bright Green Field (by Rob Moura)
Squid - Cowards (by Devin Birse)
Squid - O Monolith (by Anna Solomon)
Squirrel Flower - Contact Sports (by Eli Shively)
Squirrel Flower - I Was Born Swimming (by Isobel Mohyeddin)
Squirrel Flower - Planet EP (by René Cobar)
Squirrel Flower - Planet (i) (by Andy Ciardella)
Squirrel Flower - Tomorrow’s Fire (by Layton Guyton)
Squitch - Learn To Be Alone (by Kris Handel)
Squitch - Tumbledown Mountain (by Dan Goldin)
St. Vincent - Masseduction (by Annie Fell)
Star Party - Meadow Flower (by Sara Nuta)
State Champion - Send Flowers (by Joe Gutierrez)
Stef Chura - Messes (by Tim Crisp)
Stef Chura - Midnight (by Allison Kridle)
Stephen Malkmus - Groove Denied (by Gianluigi Marsibilio)
Stephen Malkmus - Traditional Techniques (by Elise Barbin)
Stereolab - Electrically Possessed (Switched On Vol. 4) (by Hayden Merrick)
Stereolab - Pulse of the Early Brain (Switched On Vol. 5) (by Christoper J. Lee)
Steve Hartlett - 1/2 (by Seth Daspit)
Steve Hartlett - 308 (by Ljubinko Zivkovic)
Still House Plants - If I Don’t Make It, I Love U (by Devin Birse)
Stinkin Donuts - Heavy Feathers (by Krishan Meepe)
Stoner Will & The Narks - A Narxist Critique (by Mark Gurarie)
Stove - ‘s Favorite Friend (by Chris Jones)
Stove - Is A Toad In The Rain (by Marcus Gauthiér)
Stove - Is Stupider (by Hannah Liuzzo)
Stove - Is That Meat That Fell Out (by Sean Deveney)
Strange Attractor - Good Boy Bad Boy (by René Cobar)
Strange Relations - Editorial You (by Arielle Mercier)
Straw Man Army - Earthworks (by Jonathan Bannister)
Strawberry Guy - Sun Outside My Window (by Ljubinko Zivkovic)
Stress Positions - Harsh Reality (by Dan Goldin)
Stuck - Change Is Bad (by Patrick Pilch)
Stuck - Freak Frequency (by Zak Mercado)
Stuck - Three Songs (by Hugo Reyes)
Styrofoam Winos - Styrofoam Winos (by Joe Gutierrez)
The Submissives - Live At Value Sound Studios (by Leila Rodrguez)
Subsonic Eye - All Around You (by Elizabeth Braaten)
Sumac - The Healer (by Benji Heywood)
Sumac - May You Be Held (by Hugo Reyes)
Sumac - Two Beasts (by Benji Heywood)
Sumac - What One Becomes (by Jon Hadusek)
Sumac & Keiji Haino - American Dollar Bill - Keep Facing Sideways, You're Too Hideous To Look At Face On (by Will Johnson)
Summer Cannibals - Can’t Tell Me No (by Kris Handel)
SunDog - About You (by Ben Hohenstatt)
Sun June - Somewhere (by Dominic Acito)
Sun Organ - Candlelight Showertime (by Torrey Proto)
Sun Organ - People In The Distance In The Dark (by Katie Hanford)
Sun Organ - Portal (by Charles Davis)
Sun Organ - Sun Organ (by Katie Hanford)
Sun Organ - Your Doomed (by Ben Grigg)
Sundae Painters - Sundae Painters (by Kris Handel)
Sunk Heaven - THE FVCKHEAѫTED LVNG (by Andrew Ciardella)
Sunwatchers - II (by Jeremy Zerbe)
Sunwatchers - Sunwatchers (by Jeremy Zerbe)
Super Infinity - Palace (by Sara Mae)
Super Unison - Auto (by Quentin Gibeau)
Super Unison - Stella (by Patrick Pilch)
Super-X - Super-X (by Conor Lochrie)
SUPERTEEN - Isn't A Person (by Jackson Abatemarco)
SUPERTEEN - Over Everything (by Nick McGuire)
Surf Harp - Mr. Big Picture (by Stephen Veith)
Surface To Air Missive - A V (by Alex Colston)
Surfbort - Billy (by Rachel Adler)
Suuns - Hold/Still (by Max Freedman)
Sweeping Promises - Good Living Is Coming For You (by Alice Zakusilo)
Sweeping Promises - Hunger For A Way Out (by Taylor Ruckle)
Sweet Baby Jesus - Discount Magic (by B. Levinson)
Sweet Pill - Where The Heart Is (by Jade Winings)
Sweet Williams - What’s Wrong With You (by Dominic Acito)
Sweet Williams - Where Does The Time Come From (by Kris Handel)
Swim Camp - Steel Country (by Liz Van Horn)
Swing Kids - Anthology (Reissue) (by Hugo Reyes)
Swings - Sugarwater (by Dan Manning)
Sword II - Spirit World Tour (by John Glab)
Tadzio - That Cold Grey Light (by Ray Barker)
Talking Kind - It Did Bring Me Down (by Sara Mae)
Tall Friend - Safely Nobody's (by Niccolo Dante Porcello)
Tan Cologne - Earth Visions of Water Spaces (by Roberto Johnson)
Tang - Super Happy (by Sacha Kingston-Wayne)
Tape Deck Mountain - Echo Chamber Blues (by Mike LeSuer)
Tape Deck Mountain - True Deceiver (by Conor Lochrie)
Tapir! - The Pigrim, Their God and The King Of My Decrepit Mountain (by Calvin Staropoli)
Tara Jane O’Neil - The Cool Cloud of Okayness (by Christopher J. Lee)
Tasha - Tell Me What You Miss The Most (by Hayden Merrick)
Tashi Dorji - Stateless (by Troy Sherman)
Taxidermists - 20247 (by Ben Hohenstatt)
Tedward - Floater (by Seth Daspit)
Tee Vee Repairmann - What’s on TV? (by Emma Ingrisani)
Teen Spaceship - Teen Spaceship (by Jordan Weinstock)
Teen Suicide - Bonus EP (by Eli Shively)
Teenage Halloween - Till You Return (by Jonathan Mottola)
Teenanger - Good Time (by Kris Handel)
Teke::Teke - Hagata (by Ljubinko Zivkovic)
Teke::Teke - Shirushi (by Ljubinko Zivkovic)
Telepathic - Time Release (by Kelly Johnson)
Television Personalities - Tune In, Turn On, Drop Out - Radio Sessions 1980-1993 (by Kris Handel)
Telyscopes - With a Y (by Taylor Ruckle)
Tenci - My Heart Is An Open Field (by Sabrina Cofer)
Tennis - Pollen (by Becca Barglowski)
Tension Pets - Cubey EP (by Chris Polley)
Tera Melos - Trash Generator (by Dylan Laug)
Terrible As The Dawn - A Shadow Circuit (by Ggregg Stull)
Tetchy - All In My Head (by Kris Handel)
Tetchy - Hounds (by Kris Handel)
Tetchy - Smaller / Better (by Kris Handel)
Teton - Dump (by Leah B. Levinson)
Tha God Fahim - Iron Bull (by René Cobar)
Tha God Fahim - Six Ring Champ (by Charles Davis)
Tha God Fahim & Nicholas Craven - Dump Gawd: Shot Clock King (by Charles Davis)
Thank - I Have A Physical Body That Can Be Harmed (by Dan Goldin)
Thank - Thoughtless Cruelty (by Scott Yohe)
Thanks For Coming - Back At It Again (by Alex Azuelos)
Thanks For Coming - Missing Out (by Jasmine Bourgeois)
Thanks For Coming - No Problem (by Tom Alexander)
Thanks For Coming - Nosebleeds Always (by Patrick Pilch)
Thanks For Coming - Sspplliitt (by Allison Kridle)
Thanks For Coming - Thanks For Having Me (by Ryan Vieira)
Thanya Iyer - Rest (by Gianluigi Marsibilio)
Thee Oh Sees - A Weird Exits (by Sophie Kemp)
Thee Open Sex - White Horses (by Brian Manley)
Thelma - The Only Thing (by Sabrina Cofer)
Thelma - Thelma (by Kat Harding)
They Are Gutting A Body of Water - Destiny XL (by Patrick Pilch)
They Are Gutting A Body of Water - Lucky Styles (by Calvin Staropoli)
They Are Gutting A Body of Water - Swanlike (Loosies 2020-2023) (by Giliann Karon)
They Are Gutting A Body of Water & A Country Western - An Insult To The Sport (by Layton Guyton)
Thibault - Or Not Thibault (by Kris Handel)
Thick - Thick (by Colin Vallee)
Thick - Would You Rather? (by Louis Marrone)
Thinking Fellers Union Local 282 - The Funeral Pudding (reissue) (by Anika Maculangan)
Thinking Fellers Union Local 282 - These Things Remain Unassigned (by Matthew Wickline)
Thirdface - Do It With A Smile (by Álvaro Molina)
This Heat - Made Available, Live 80/81, Repeat/Metal [reissues] (by Andrew Karpan)
This Is Lorelei - EP #21 (by Conor Lochrie)
This Is Lorelei - The Mall, The Country / The Dirt, The Dancing (by Patrick Pilch)
This New Basement - Scatter (by Daniel Stevenson)
Thou - Magus (by Ryan Bollenbach)
Thou & Mizmor - Myopia (by Jordan Michael)
Thousandaire - Ideal Conditions (by Al Crisafulli)
Thurston Moore - Flow Critical Lucidity (by Joseph Mastel)
Thurston Moore - Spirit Counsel (by Gianluigi Marsibilio)
Tia Rosa - Misterio Lounge 3000 (by Louis Pelingen)
Tickley Feather - Tickley Feather 1 2 3 (by Amy Rowe)
Tim Darcy - Saturday Night (by Connor Bush)
Tim Kinsella & Jenny Pulse - Giddy Skelter (by Emmanuel Castillo)
Tim Presley’s White Fence - I Have To Feed Larry’s Hawk (by Gianluigi Marsibilio)
Tinkerbelles - Confetti at the Bottom (by Abigail Miglorie)
Tioga - Lodestar (by Kayla Morgan)
Toadies - The Lower Side of Uptown (by Myles Dunhill)
Tom Petty - Wildflowers & All The Rest (by Lydia Pudzianowski)
Tomato Flower - Gold Arc (by Delia Rainey)
Tomato Flower - No (by Charlie Pecorella)
Tomb Mold - The Enduring Spirit (by Dan Goldin)
Tomb Mold - Planetary Clairvoyance (by Jonathan Bannister)
Tomberlin - At Weddings (by Kris Handel)
Tomberlin - I Don’t Know Who Needs To Hear This… (by Kris Handel)
Toner - Silk Road (by Jeremy Winslow)
Toner - White Buffalo Roam (by Zach Zollo)
Tonstartssbandht - Petunia (by Conor Lochrie)
Tonstartssbandht - Sorcerer (by Michael Gusev)
Tony Molina - In The Fade (by Heather Williams)
Tony Molina - Kill The Lights (by Huw Baines)
Tony Molina - Songs From San Mateo County (by Max Kaplan)
Torres - Three Futures (by Annie Fell)
Tørsö - Build and Break (by Aly Eleanor)
Tosser - Total Restraint (by Steven Spoerl)
Total Sham - Total Sham (by Tim Buck)
Totally Slow - Imperium (by Jeff Laughlin)
Tough Age - Which Way Am I? (by Conor Lochrie)
Trace Mountains - A Partner To Lean On (by Joshua Hoey)
Trace Mountains - HOUSE OF CONFUSION (by Benji Heywood)
Trace Mountains - Lost In The Country (by Corey Sustarich)
Traps PS - Prim Dicer (by Matt Watton)
Trash Kit - Horizon (by Evan Welsh)
Treadles - And the Rocks and the Trees and the Empty Air Between (by Erin Bensinger)
Treadles - Bees Are Thieves Too (by Nick McGuire)
Tredici Bacci - La Fine Del Futuro (by Tom Alexander)
Trevor Nikrant - Tall Ladders (by Joe Gutierrez)
Tropical Fuck Storm - A Laughing Death in Meatspace (by Kris Handel)
Tropical Fuck Storm - Braindrops (by Evan Welsh)
Tropical Fuck Storm - Deep States (by Dominic Acito)
Tropical Fuck Storm - Inflatable Graveyard (by Dominic Acito)
Tropical Fuck Storm - Moonburn (by Mark Wadley)
True Widow - Avvolgere (by Shaina Vriezelaar)
Truth Club - Running From The Chase (by Kris Handel)
Truth Cult - Walk The Wheel (by Emmanuel Castillo)
The Tubs - Dead Meat (by Al Crisafulli)
Tundrastomper - Clean It Up (by Jacob Kotler)
Tundrastomper - Less More (by Dan Goldin)
Tundrastomper - For Steffen Only (by Thrin Vianale)
Tunic - Exhaling (by Álvaro Molina)
Turbo World - My Challenger (by Devon Chodzin)
Turnip King - Laika (by Jackson Abatemarco)
The Twilight Sad - It Won/t Be Like This All The Time (by Jonathan Bannister)
Twin Ponies - Twin Ponies (by Dylan Pennell)
Twin Tribes - Ceremony (by Jonathan Bannister)
Twine - New Old Horse (by Anna Solomon)
Two Inch Astronaut - Can You Please Not Help (by Charles Hoyt)
Two Inch Astronaut - Personal Life (by Jonathan Bannister)
Ty Segall - Deforming Lobes (by Max Kaplan)
Ty Segall - Emotional Mugger (by Kelly Johnson)
Ty Segall - First Taste (by Gianluigi Marsibilio)
Ty Segall - Fudge Sandwich (by Andrew Karpan)
Ty Segall - “Hello, Hi” (by Gianluigi Marsibilio)
Ty Segall - Three Bells (by Zak Mercado)
Ty Segall - Ty Segall (by Rob Cleveland)
Ty Segall Band - Slaughterhouse (reissue) (by Mike LeSuer)
Ty Segall & White Fence - Joy (by Andrew Karpan)
Ty Sorrell - HomeGrown (by Taylor Ruckle)
Typhoid Beach - Savage (by Glennon F. Curran)
Ulrika Spacek - Compact Trauma (by Álvaro Molina)
The Umbrellas - Fairweather Friend (by Scott Yohe)
The Unfit - Disconnected (by Kris Handel)
Uniform - Shame (by Thrin Vianale)
Unknown Mortal Orchestra - V (by Zach Zollo)
Unschooling - Random Acts of Total Control (by Heather Williams)
Upchuck - Bite The Hand That Feeds (by Zuzu Lacey)
Upper Wilds - Mars (by Huw Baines)
Upper Wilds - Venus (by Scott Yohe)
Uranium Club - The Cosmos Cleaners (by Jonathan Marty)
Uranium Club - Infants Under The Bulb (by Matt Watton)
Uranium Club - The Minneapolis Uranium Club Band Live At Arci Taun! (by Jonathan Marty)
U.S. Girls - In A Poem Unlimited (by Drew Cowen)
US Weekly - Ideas (by Joe Gutierrez)
USA Nails - Life Cinema (by Tom Alexander)
Useless Eaters - Relaxing Death (by Sebastian Friis Sharif)
Vagabon - Infinite Worlds (by Josh Ginsberg)
Vagabon - Sorry I Haven’t Called (by Elizabeth Braaten)
Vagabon - Vagabon (by Matthew Hirsch)
Valley Slander - How Animal (by Chris Donnell)
Vangas - Vangas (by Layton Guyton)
Vanishing Twin - Ookii Gekkou (by Delia Rainey)
Variety - Subtropical (by John Brouk)
Various Artists - Cosmic Waves Volume 1 (by Ljubinko Zivkovic)
Various Artists - Strum & Thrum: The American Jangle Underground 1983-1987 (by Matty McPherson)
Various Artists - You Can Sing Me Anything: A Tribute to 69 Love Songs (by Kris Handel)
Varsity - Fine Forever (by Eric Bennett)
Varsity - Parallel Person (by Connor McInerney)
Vastum - Inward To Gethsemane (by Evan Mester)
Vein - Errorzone (by Louis Marrone) - This World Is Going To Ruin You (by Patrick Haynes)
Verity Den - Verity Den (by Ljubinko Zivkovic)
Vermin Womb - Retaliation (by Jonathan Mottola)
Vessel - Wrapped In Cellophane (by Kris Handel)
Viagra Boys - Cave World (by Scott Yohe)
Viagra Boys - Welfare Jazz (by Conor Lochrie)
Video Age - Living Alone (by Hunter Keene)
Viji - So Vanilla (by Giliann Karon)
Viking Moses - Cruel Child (by David Haynes)
Vintage Crop - Company Man (by Matt Keim)
Vintage Crop - Serve to Serve Again (by Meaghan Weiley)
Virginia Trance - Vincent’s Playlist (by Conor Lochrie)
Vivi Milne - Solstice (by Ljubinko Zivkovic)
Vundabar - Smell Smoke (by Allison Kridle)
V.V. Lightbody - Make A Shrine Or Burn It (by Alex Whitelaw)
WALL - Untitled (by Jonathan Bannister)
WALL - WALL (by Jonathan Bannister)
Wand - "From A Capsule Underground" (by Myles Dunhill)
Wand - Laughing Matter (by David Haynes)
Wand - Vertigo (by Case Cockrell)
War On Women - Capture The Flag (by Jacob Dempsey)
Warehouse - Super Low (by Max Freedman)
Warm Bodies - Warm Bodies (by Chris Prod)
Washer - All Aboard (by Sean Deveney)
Washer - Here Comes Washer (by Dan Murphy)
Washer - Improved Means To Deteriorated Ends (by Kris Handel)
Watcher - Punishment (by Alex Milstein)
Water From Your Eyes - All A Dance (by Max Freedman)
Water From Your Eyes - Everyone’s Crushed (by Layton Guyton)
Water From Your Eyes - MP3 Player 1 (by Caroline Nieto)
Water From Your Eyes - Somebody Else’s Song (by Tom Alexander)
Water From Your Eyes - Structure (by Alex Reindl)
We Are Joiners - Clients + Carriers (by Conor Lochrie)
The Weather Station - How Is It That I Should Look At The Stars (by Gianluigi Marsibilio)
The Weather Station - Ignorance (by Jeremy Leasure)
Weaves - Weaves (by Max Freedman)
Weaves - Wide Open (by Max Freedman)
Webb Chapel - World Cup (by Ljubinko Zivkovic)
Wednesday - I Was Trying To Describe You To Someone (by Rob Moura)
Wednesday - Mowing the Leaves Instead of Piling 'em Up (by Ross Holder)
Wednesday - Rat Saw God (by Matty McPherson)
Wednesday - Twin Plagues (by Kris Handel)
Weed - Born Wrong Love (by Katie Hanford)
Weed Hounds - Double Life (by Dylan Pennell)
Wendy Eisenberg - Auto (by Matty McPherson)
Wendy Eisenberg - Bent Ring (by Joe Gutierrez)
Wendy Eisenberg - Time Machine (by Theodore Rowe)
Wendy Eisenberg - Viewfinder (by Anna Solomon)
Westkust - Westkust (by Mike LeSuer)
Westside Gunn - Still Praying (by Tim Buck)
Wet Dip - Smell of Money (by Matt Watton)
Wet Hair - The Floating World (by Myles Dunhill)
Weyes Blood - And In The Darkness, Hearts Aglow (by Andy Ciardella)
What Moon Things - The SWIM Tape (by Torrey Proto)
Whelpwisher - Stale Honey (by Aly Eleanor)
White Collar - White Collar (by Cam Harper)
White Suns - Psychic Drift (by Mike LeSuer)
Whitney’s Playland - Sunset Sea Breeze (by Kevin Crandall)
why+the+wires - Flame Failures (by Kelly Johnson)
Widowspeak - The Jacket (by Ljubinko Zivkovic)
Widowspeak - Plum (by Conor Lochrie)
Wiki - Papiseed Street Vol. 1 (by Justin Davis)
Wild Pink - Wild Pink (by Eli Shively)
Wilder Maker - Zion (by Kris Handel)
Wildhoney - Your Face Sideways (by Ryan Allen)
William Basinski & Janek Schaefer - “ . . . on reflection “ (by Ljubinko Zivkovic)
Winded - Schwartz Provides (by Kris Handel)
Winged Wheel - Big Hotel (by Selina Yang)
Winten - Waving To My Girl (by Shea Roney)
Winter - …and she’s still listening (by Jade Winings)
Wire - 10:20 (by Emma Shepard)
Wire - Mind Hive (by Will Sisskind)
Wire - Not About To Die (Studio Demos 1977-1978) (by Christopher J. Lee)
Wireheads - Potentially Venus (by Scott Yohe)
Wishy - Paradise (by Shea Roney)
Wishy - Triple Seven (by Cam Harper)
Witch Coast - Burnt Out By 3 PM (by Aimee Lin)
Wombo - Fairy Rust (by Kris Handel)
Wombo - Slab EP (by Alice Zakusilo)
The Woods - So Long Before Now (by Zak Mercado)
Woolen Men - Human To Human (by Spencer vH)
Worriers - You Or Someone You Know (by Mick Reed)
Wren Kitz - Early Worm (by Conor Lochrie)
Wurld Series - The Giant’s Lawn (by Dan Goldin)
Wyoming - Why Oh Wyoming (by Stephen Veith)
Xetas - The Cypher (by Will Sisskind)
Xiu Xiu - 13" Frank Beltrame Italian Stiletto with Bison Horn Grips (by Devin Birse)
Yalc123 - Yalc Nitsua Mailliw (by Matthew Hirsch)
Yankee Bluff - Yanked (by Gordon Phillips)
Yard Act - The Overload (by Scott Yohe)
Yard Act - Where’s My Utopia? (by Alice Zakusilo)
Yautja - The Lurch (by Benji Heywood)
Yautja - Songs of Lament (by Graham Crainshaw)
Yawners - Just Calm Down (by Mick Reed)
Yazan - Hahaha (by Glennon Curran)
Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Fever To Tell (Deluxe Remastered) (by Emma Shepard)
Yeesh - Saw You Up There (by Hugo Reyes)
Yo La Tengo - The Bunker Sessions (by Sarah Samson)
Yo La Tengo - Electr-o-pura (reissue) (by Elise Barbin)
Yo La Tengo - There's A Riot Going On (by Tim Crisp)
Yo La Tengo - This Stupid World (by Ljubinko Zivkovic)
Youbet - Compare and Despair (by Kris Handel)
Youbet - Way To Be (by Kris Handel)
Young Jesus - Shepherd Head (by Matty McPherson)
Young Jesus - Welcome To Conceptual Beach (by Rob Moura)
Young Jesus - The Whole Thing Is Just There (by Joel Parmer)
Your Old Droog & Tha God Fahim - Tha YOD Fahim (by Charles Davis)
Yours Are The Only Ears - We Know The Sky (by Kris Handel)
Yowler - Black Dog In My Path (by Colin Vallee)
Yuck - Stranger Things (by Nicholas Otte)
Yucky Duster - Duster's Lament (by Allison Kridle)
Yucky Duster - Yucky Duster (by Jordan Weinstock)
Yucky Duster - III (by Seth Daspit)
Yung - A Youthful Dream (by Sebastian Friis Sharif)
Yung - Ongoing Dispute (by Dominic Acito)
YUNGMORPHEUS - From Whence It Came (by Justin Davis)
Zach Burba - Your Music (by B. Levinson)
Zelma Stone - The Best (by Rachel Min Leong)
Zula - 6 Passes (by Max Freedman)
Zula - Grasshopper (by Josh Ginsberg)
Zula - Stepping (Chanell Noise)
0 Stars - Blowing on a Marshmallow in Perpetuity (by Philip Anastassiou)
13 Necklace - On and Off (by Taylor Ruckle)
15,000 Guns - Teratoma (by Devin Birse)
2nd Grade - Easy Listening (by Eric Foreman)
2nd Grade - Scheduled Explosions (by Zak Mercado)
2nd Grade - Wish You Were Here Tour Revisited (by Alex Reindl)
22º Halo - Lily of the Valley (by John Brouk)
700 Bliss - Nothing To Declare (by Matty McPherson)
7xvethegenius & DJ Green Lantern - The Genius Tape (by Elizabeth Braaten)