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Datenight (US) - "Comin Atcha' 100MPH" | Album Review


by Corey Sustarich

Bent on frenzy and full of personal flair Datenight’s Comin Atcha’ 100MPH proves their album’s name over and over again. This music isn’t self-conscious at all. Balancing heavy strums with wrist-breaking flails these guys give hope for the future of punk music. The longest song comes in at blistering two minutes and twenty seconds, the shortest at a minute and twenty-two. There’s no hiding behind effects boards or post-production. They don’t go ham on guitar pedals and the vocals are nearly bone dry. These guys had to just write fast catchy punk songs and they sure as hell did.

From relatively calm to red-eyed madness, these songs carry a great deal of emotion and complexity. The bass lines feel handcrafted and placed attentively in the middle, as the soul, of each track. Sections breathe in and out to give the climaxes their rightful intensity. There’s a patience and care for each song’s character that takes time and craft to flourish and it is clear that Nashville’s Datenight put in the hours. To boot, there’s not one solo in any of these songs and I couldn’t be happier about it. 

I could relate them to some 80s legends but considering this band is the first and only for all three members their potential as prolific musicians has only begun to show itself it would be naive to box them in so soon. Jangly tracks like "Poor Exchange," "Untitled," and "Uniform" prove that there’s more than breakneck punk songs up their sleeves and we should brace ourselves for what they have in store for us.