Wyoming - "Why Oh Wyoming" | Album Review — POST-TRASH Post-Trash Facebook Post-Trash Twitter

Wyoming - "Why Oh Wyoming" | Album Review


by Stephen Veith (@quakeroats91)

Philly four piece Wyoming released the EP, Why Oh Wyoming, this past April on the back of a split with Program that came out in December. Recorded live over the course of 24 hours in University of the Arts, this is a quick four song release at just under twelve minutes. 

In its short time it is not only hypnotizing by pop perspectives, but also slow burning, especially, and ironically enough, in some of the shorter songs. This can be exemplified in the second track - “Hand over Heat” which begins cacophonously and quickly to fall into a slow spinning mix only to tighten back up towards the end. The initial track is filled with fluttering licks, and sputtering vocals. The quirky guitar work on both of these first two tracks along with the latter two works to create a listening experience that manipulates the actual tracking on the release. Despite the breaks between the songs themselves, this entire EP sounds as if it could be performed live as one large, foreboding, track that could feature vignettes of the other songs being referenced throughout. 

The precise guitars and drumming have a similar chemistry to something in the realm of Palm, without so much focus on meticulous song structuring and elongation. Not to say that this is, by any means, a straightforward rock record. Nor are they riding on the sonic coattails of their fellow Philadelphians, Wyoming is unique in their presentation and ability to create dense, angular jams. This young group has an eye for interesting tempos and a handle on time signatures that fill this shorter release with a depth of capable songs. As if the release was made of shredded textiles, patch-worked into a comfortable blanket - clean in some parts, and stained in others, but nonetheless, a whole. 

Credit to Rachel Levin of bands Fred Beans and Itchy Kisses for the album art.