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Blowdryer - "Blowdryer" | Album Review


by Myles Dunhill (@MylesDunhill)

The scrappy trio that make up Philadelphia’s Blowdryer surround themselves in DIY mystique fusing their passion for slacker anthems and lo-fi pop punk into a solid batch of tracks which comprise this self-titled debut. Coming in at just twenty minutes, the tunes are saccharine and explosive, similar to 60s AM pop radio drenched in cacophonous static being echoed from a bedroom closet. The amps sound cheap, the instruments may or may not be tuned, the vocals are shrill, and honestly, what could be better? 

The spirit of Blowdryer radiates off the walls, from opening track, “Intent,” which sounds the alarm, “It wasn’t my intent!” and finishing with the equally bouncy, “Can’t You See,” with its shouted refrain, “Can’t you see!? Can’t you see!?” Even on more mid-tempo numbers like “Over & Over” or “Suitable Replacement,” with its spoken-word delivery recalling the bleaker side of Sonic Youth and the ramshackle songwriting of Parquet Courts perhaps influencing the former, it’s evident that Blowdryer aren’t out to just party, the group gives each song aural justice in accordance with the subject matter pertaining to each. 

Where most band's debuts play it safe, Blowdryer isn’t as concerned with appealing to a large audience as much as they just want to express themselves and have fun. The group’s interests are of a more personal nature, using music as an outlet to tackle life’s problems while also making friends, connecting with each other, and carving out a place for themselves. Their debut certainly holds true to this, and after crafting such an enlivening record, it’s worth knowing what they’ll be doing next.