Deradoorian - "Find The Sun" | Album Review — POST-TRASH Post-Trash Facebook Post-Trash Twitter

Deradoorian - "Find The Sun" | Album Review


by Charles Davis (@LosDoghouse)

Transfixed on the apocalypse and surrendering to the infinite nothingness, we collectively run from our mirror and the fate of an eternal abyss. Perhaps, highlighting positive measurements individualistically, the entropy of infinity offers us a slower burn than what might be relatively conceptual to our fatalistic existence. The monotony and drone of an everyday life, twisted in symmetry, sonically in sync with the peak motions of either direction - love or hate, joy or horror, elation or suffering...

Deradoorian's work in Find The Sun is an exploration beyond this cognizance, planted firmly in the earth, and an organically divine consciousness. This is evergreen energy, coniferous and long-standing, albeit far beyond the relative pinball of deciduousness - live, die, live again - stands emitting from the celestial sphere; the Goddess(es)/God(s) cosmos. There is an aura of enlightenment and excitement, a nature/ nurture exhibit, the all-natural alimentation of rainwater and sunlight; the flora of the brain-gut connection, fighters defending our loved ones and the greater good - defending ourselves from that which might wish us harm.

One could go on and on about the specificities; glorious guitars, a pianissimo pianoforte, steadily chugging bass lines/ runs, auxiliary accents spanning an orchestra, a drum set hovering an object twenty meters above the ground via the pure vibratory focus - the hum of an expatiated meditation & prayer within the vocal atmospherics; but to what end? This is masterful craftpersonship, and as such is evident to the appreciators, muses, and fellow craftspeople. The only direction from here is heavenly, and when digesting music of this design, one must be prepared to ascend.