Fuzzy Meadows: The Week's Best New Music (February 10th - February 16th)
Out This Week | Post-Trash Highlights
Andrew Falkous On The Magic of Mclusky's Third Album and Second Life | Feature Interview
Any day would do for a chat with Andrew Falkous, but Post-Trash happened to catch him at a busy three-way intersection of notable happenings. This spring, mclusky completed a rescheduled U.S. tour celebrating the anniversary of their classic sophomore album, Mclusky Do Dallas. Shortly after, the band’s third LP, The Difference Between Me and You Is That I’m Not On Fire, turned twenty years old. Shortly after that, the band signed with Ipecac Recordings for the first album of new material since their breakup in 2005.
Post-Trash's Year In Review: The Best of 2023
ALBUM OF THE WEEK: mclusky - "Unpopular Parts of a Pig / The Digger You Deep"
With ear issues seemingly on the men, it would seem mclusky are ready to reconvene their second coming, a handful of great songs leading the way. The band released as “double A-side” single, with subsequent “double B-sides” to boot, delivered via Bandcamp in order to raise money for international touring and hefty visa costs.