Fuzzy Meadows: The Week's Best New Music (October 21st - November 3rd)
Fuzzy Meadows: The Week's Best New Music (October 14th - October 20th)
Full of Hell - "Coagulated Bliss" | Album Review
Out This Week | Post-Trash Highlights
Fuzzy Meadows: The Week's Best New Music (April 15th - April 21st)
Fuzzy Meadows: The Week's Best New Music (March 25th - March 31st)
Fuzzy Meadows: The Week's Best New Music (February 26th - March 10th)
Fuzzy Meadows: The Week's Best New Music (October 2nd - October 15th)
Fuzzy Meadows: The Week's Best New Music (August 21st - September 3rd)
Fuzzy Meadows: The Week's Best New Music (February 13th - February 19th)
Fuzzy Meadows: The Week's Best New Music (January 16th - January 22nd)
Full Of Hell - "Aurora Leaking From An Open Wound" | Album Review
Full of Hell is back if only for a brief moment, six minutes and 44 seconds to be exact, with what was a tour-exclusive EP, Aurora Leaking from an Open Wound. For what this release lacks in length, it more than makes up for it with intensity, noise, and riffs, an excellent addition to Full of Hell’s catalog of death metal-influenced grindcore.
Fuzzy Meadows: The Week's Best New Music (October 10th - October 23rd)
Post-Trash's Best of 2021 | The Year In Review
Full of Hell - "Garden of Burning Apparitions" | Album Review
The unrelenting force that is Full of Hell has returned with their latest album, Garden of Burning Apparitions, showing why they are the biggest band in grindcore right now. In only twenty minutes, the band packs idea after idea without letting up for a single second. The riffs, the vocals, the percussion, everything is as intense as ever.