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Fuzzy Meadows: The Week's Best New Music (October 16th - October 29th)

Fuzzy Meadows: The Week's Best New Music (October 16th - October 29th)

Welcome to FUZZY MEADOWS, where we recap the past week in music. We're sharing our favorite releases of the week in the form of albums, singles, and music videos along with the "further listening" section of new and notable releases from around the web.

Fuzzy Meadows: The Week's Best New Music (September 18th - October 1st)

Fuzzy Meadows: The Week's Best New Music (September 18th - October 1st)

Welcome to FUZZY MEADOWS, where we recap the past week in music. We're sharing our favorite releases of the week in the form of albums, singles, and music videos along with the "further listening" section of new and notable releases from around the web.

Fuzzy Meadows: The Week's Best New Music (July 17th - July 23rd)

Fuzzy Meadows: The Week's Best New Music (July 17th - July 23rd)

Welcome to FUZZY MEADOWS, where we recap the past week in music. We're sharing our favorite releases of the week in the form of albums, singles, and music videos along with the "further listening" section of new and notable releases from around the web.

Post-Trash: Volume Four (RAICES Benefit) | Promo Compilation

Post-Trash: Volume Four (RAICES Benefit) | Promo Compilation

Post-Trash is beyond thrilled to present Post-Trash: Volume Four, the latest in our yearly charitable promo compilation series. The idea on our end is simple: spread good music throughout the world and do some good in the process.

Post-Trash's Best of 2018 | The Year In Review

Post-Trash's Best of 2018 | The Year In Review

It's time once more to catch up on the unabridged Post-Trash “Year In Review” with releases that went under the radar, the hidden gems, and the essential records from the past twelve months. This is our comprehensive guide to our favorite releases of the year without a pre-determined length.

"The Post-Trash 60" | Our Favorite Albums of 2018's First Half (A Mid Year Report)

"The Post-Trash 60" | Our Favorite Albums of 2018's First Half (A Mid Year Report)

2018 sure has been… something. There’s been a lot of great new music too. Here’s sixty of our favorite new releases so far this year. Maybe you’ll find something new to love. Let us be your guide.

Fuzzy Meadows: The Week's Best New Music (May 28th - June 10th)

Fuzzy Meadows: The Week's Best New Music (May 28th - June 10th)

Welcome to FUZZY MEADOWS, where we recap the past week in music. We're sharing our favorite releases of the week in the form of albums, singles, and music videos along with the "further listening" section of new and notable releases from around the web.

Dusk - "Old Magnolia" | Post-Trash Premiere

Dusk - "Old Magnolia" | Post-Trash Premiere

"Old Magnolia" and its eye-catching video, take the idea of Dusk's transportive powers and runs with it, bringing you as deep into the country mindset as possible. Traveling from red barns to monster trucks, bolo ties to bald eagles, this one plays up their surroundings with gorgeous images and the band's slow-dripped twang.

Fuzzy Meadows: The Week In Review (November 16th - November 20th)

Fuzzy Meadows: The Week In Review (November 16th - November 20th)

"Fuzzy Meadows: The Week in Review" is a weekly round-up of the best new music premiered this week across the internet. It's a weekly embarrassment of riches, let Post-Trash be your guide. It's the weekend, here's what happened...

Dusk - "Too Sweet" | Post-Trash Exclusive Premiere

Dusk - "Too Sweet" | Post-Trash Exclusive Premiere

Dusk is an alt-country band from Appleton, Wisconsin that write dynamic pop music with a heavy dose of New Orleans' soul and front-porch Americana exuberance. Led by Tenement's Amos Pitsch, the songs on their debut single "(Do The) Bored Recluse b/w Too Sweet" are far from punk, opting for piano and pedal steel "shredding" in place of anything loud and distorted.