As anyone who reads our “Fuzzy Meadows” column already knows, the “list” is just the beginning, and we’re always eager to add some “Further Listening” for consideration. The thing is, despite what some would have you believe, music is not a contest. Sure, we profiled over one hundred records in our “Year In Review” feature, but the fun doesn’t stop there. We wanted to tip our hats to a few more releases, because what floats one boat might sink another… but there’s something for everyone. There are hundreds of thousands of records released every year and you can’t listen to them all, don’t believe anyone who says otherwise. Critics and audiences make their year-end favorites based on the records they listened to, spent time with, grew to love… but what does that say for the rest? With the “Further Listening” section, our point is that maybe your favorite record is here. Maybe we didn’t spend enough time with. Maybe it was released against impossible expectations. Maybe we didn’t feature it on our “Year In Review” for a reason known only to us… the point is, there’s a lot of music well worth your time. You’ll just have to explore and find out. There’s plenty to love here. Have you heard them all? We hope you have fun digging.