Post-Trash's Best of 2020: A Mid-Year Report — POST-TRASH Post-Trash Facebook Post-Trash Twitter

Post-Trash's Best of 2020: A Mid-Year Report

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by Conor Lochrie, Dan Goldin, David Wilikofsky, Evan Welsh, Jonathan Bannister, Kris Handel, Mick Reed, Patrick Pilch, Taylor Ysteboe, and Thrin Vianale

Where do we even being with 2020? It’s been one long ass year and it’s only June. Without delving too far into what is happening in the world (because there are smarter folks who can do that for you), we do want to mention two important things. As per Covid, wear a damn mask (we’d all like to go to shows again at some point) and it’s more important than ever to buy music and merch from your favorite artists and labels. In terms of the Black Lives Matter movement, this is of the utmost importance and will be an ongoing fight for years to come. The protests are encouraging and it’s super important to keep up doing whatever it is you can do to make your voice heard. We recognize that a large majority of our coverage is of white artists and we promise to do our best to add diversity as best we can. If there are new releases from black (and brown) artists that might not be on our radar, you can always reach out. Post-Trash is here for you. This is a tough time and music writing feels trivial, but music can be healing, cathartic, and transformative. We also welcome anyone interested in writing for the site, as always.

Our “Mid-Year Review" is a semi-comprehensive guide to our favorite releases of the year so far without a pre-determined length. If we loved a record, we're including it. Simple as that (unless we just plum forgot it, in which case our sincerest of apologies). It's impossible to listen to everything released and everyone has different tastes, but we feel pretty great about these particular records. Your next favorite band could be out there, it's just a matter of listening to something new. Journey down this rabbit hole with us. Together, we've profiled a good chunk of the releases that make Post-Trash the site that it is, with countless others recommended as "further listening," a section for releases you might have missed, and we might not have spent enough time with. We're not saying these are the definitive albums, but rather our favorites. Discover something new. Buy some records. Support the music you love. Thank you for reading Post-Trash and help spread the word if you like what we’re up to. - DG

J A N U A R Y :

Further Listening:

BLACK LIPS “Sing In A World That’s Falling Apart” | DATENIGHT “Is This Also It” | DONORS “Donors” | DUELING EXPERTS “Dueling Experts” | HUEVOS II “III” | PAX “Melt It Down” | SURFACE TO AIR MISSIVE “Shelly’s Gone” | THA GOD FAHIM “Lost Kingz” | THANKS FOR COMING “Adding Up” | XETAS “The Cypher”

F E B R U A R Y :

Further Listening:

BIG BLOOD “Do You Want To Have A Skeleton Dream?” | ELCAMINO & 38 SPESH “Martyr’s Prayer“ | GUIDED BY VOICES “Surrender Your Poppy Fields” | LIÉ “You Want It Real” | MATT ROBIDOUX “Brief Candles” | PERSONALITY CULT “New Arrows” | SET-TOP BOX “TV Guide Test” | SHOPPING “All Or Nothing” | SLEEPIES “Time V Pleasure” | SLEEPING BAG & ROZWELL KID “Dreamboats 2” | TOSSER “Total Restraint“

M A R C H :

Further Listening:

BACCHAE “Pleasure Vision“ | CONWAY THE MACHINE & THE ALCHEMIST “Lulu” | HANDLE “In Threes” | LAKE RUTH “Crying Everyone Else’s Tears“ | MAMALEEK “Come and See” | MCKINLEY DIXON “The House That Got Knocked Down” | PINCH POINTS “Live at RRR” | PSYCHIC FLOWERS “Gloves To Grand Air” | SPACE CAMP “Overjoyed In The World” | WATER FROM YOUR EYES “33:44”

A P R I L :

Further Listening:

CB RADIO GORGEOUS “EP” | COLD FEET “Punk Entity” | ES “Less of Everything” | FRED CRACKLIN “Anxiety Kinship“ | LAUNDROMAT “Blue” | ORDINARY REAPER “No Plans” | P22 “Human Snake” | SNIFFANY & THE NITS “The Greatest NIts” | QUELLE CHRIS & CHRIS KEYS “Innocent Country 2” | TRACE MOUNTAINS “Lost In The Country” | WESTSIDE GUNN “Pray For Paris”

M A Y :

Further Listening:

CAFE RACER “Shadow Talk” | THE COOL GREENHOUSE “The Cool Greenhouse” | COUCH SLUT “Take A Chance On Rock ‘N’ Roll” | GRASS JAW “Jump” | MO DOTTI “Blurring” | ONO “Red Summer” | PARSNIP “Adding Up” | WENDY EISENBERG “Dehiscence”

J U N E :

Further Listening:

ALL HITS “Men and Their Work” | ARMAND HAMMER “Shrines” | BUILT TO SPILL “…Plays The Songs of Daniel Johnston” | DIRTY PROJECTORS “Flight Tower” | DISHEVELED CUSS “Disheveled Cuss” | IRON WIGS “Your Birthday’s Cancelled” | LIVING GATE “Deathlust” | MOMMA “Two Of Me” | NEIL YOUNG “Homegrown” | NNAMDÏ “Black Plight” | NO AGE “Goons Be Gone” | OCEANATOR & BARTEES STRANGE “Tear The Fascists Down” | RUN THE JEWELS “RTJ4”