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Blazar - "Reach Out" | Album Review

Blazar - "Reach Out" | Album Review

Blazar, a relatively new band, are no strangers to the punk scene. Vocalist Jack Vermillion was once a member of stalwart Tallahassee group Ex-Breathers, while the band’s Nick Derella also shreds in Night Witch. Reach Out is noisy, fast-paced, and thrilling -- a record that grips you from the first chord until finally spitting you out at the last.

Florist - "Emily Alone" | Album Review

Florist - "Emily Alone" | Album Review

Emily Alone is a Florist record through and through, despite being a solo effort. It’s also something more: it’s like a refined, evolved iteration of Sprague’s prior work, feeling more like a memoir than a diary entry. That sense of evolution comes through in the high production quality and a lyrical grounding in the present.

Thanks For Coming - "No Problem" | Album Review

Thanks For Coming - "No Problem" | Album Review

Written nearly two years ago, recorded with a full band, compiled of 24 tracks, No Problem is wildly ambitious, and that’s even before you take into consideration the 24 music video counterparts, directed by 24 different teams! It’s an epic composed of private thoughts, pitch-black comedy, nuanced observations, and self-aware anxieties.

Trash Kit - "Horizon" | Album Review

Trash Kit - "Horizon" | Album Review

The technical prowess of Trash Kit, displayed in their ability to remain tight and clean throughout their most chaotic compositions, is enough to make Horizon an album worth praising. But Horizon accomplishes the difficult task of being an album that is immediately accessible, requiring no intense mental focus to appreciate and enjoy.

Uranium Club - "The Cosmo Cleaners" | Album Review

Uranium Club - "The Cosmo Cleaners" | Album Review

With their new offering The Cosmo Cleaners, the Club take a more surgical approach to their trademark antsiness, tying themselves into tighter and more intricate knots than ever before. The group creates a compelling musical landscape solely out of sharp edges and punchy hits -- smooth sonic textures are truly few and far between.

Black Midi - "Schlagenheim" | Album Review

Black Midi - "Schlagenheim" | Album Review

Black Midi’s sound on Schlagenheim is sophisticated, yet they surprise their listeners with their youth. They have studied the progression of rock through a different timeline. They are the prodigious and glitched studio musicians of the late Aughts who have ran amok over the annals of their country’s pervasive post-punk history.

Nonlocal Forecast - "Bubble Universe!" | Album Review

Nonlocal Forecast - "Bubble Universe!" | Album Review

It’s been four months since Nonlocal Forecast’s Hausu Mountain debut and picking the right words to describe its brilliance has become nearly impossible. As the sidestep project of Fire-Toolz’ Angel Marcloid, Nonlocal Forecast showcases the Chicago-based producer’s remarkably deft hand in electronic novelty on Bubble Universe!