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Tadzio - "Cythera" | Post-Trash Premiere


by Dan Goldin (@post_trash_)

Scholars once said that it is best to start any week with the avant-garde (or maybe I just made it up) and we’ve got a treat for you in the form of Tadzio’s new single “Cythera.” The song is the first from the band’s upcoming album, The Sick Room, due out April 23rd via DC’s Blight Records (PREE, Nyxy Nyx, Luna Honey), an album that almost feels new-age on first impression but warps in orchestral chamber pop and avant-garde prog to keep things pleasantly askew. The Philadelphia ensemble create minimalist music with the space of the room in mind, operating with a classical precision even when they opt for a touch of discordance. Its unique and interesting and we’re excited to share “Cythera.” The song blends together both traditional acoustic instruments like harp, piano, and flute with an absolute flurry of percussion (seriously, put on your headphones are turn it up) and an element of electronic juxtaposition. Just as the song seems to flutter in orchestrated absentia it takes an engaging shift just prior to the two minute mark, pulling into progressive territory as they collapse and rebuild the song’s motifs in a brilliantly fractured way.