For a band who have thus far given us several stellar iterations of the same thing, Twerp Verse is a lot of different things. It’s the “speedy ortiz online presence?” to the band’s @speedyortiz discography, offering plenty of breathing room for Dupuis’ pop-leaning proclivities while continuing to consider the established personality of her surrounding band.
Czarface & MF DOOM - "Czarface Meets Metal Face" | Album Review
Pre Nup - "Oh Well" | Album Review
Wand - "From A Capsule Underground" | Album Review
Cindy Lee - "Act of Tenderness" + "Malenkost" | Album Review
Cindy Lee is the nom de plume of Calgary's Patrick Flegel, who at this stage is still much better known as singer and guitarist of their former group Women. Malenkost and Act of Tenderness, both originally released in 2015 and disseminated by Flegel himself and Vancouver's Isolated Now Waves respectively, have been re-issued by Superior Viaduct.
Dead Rider - "Crew Licks" | Album Review
Dreamend - "Dreamend" | Album Review
Den-Mate - "Entropii" | Album Review
Melvins - "Pinkus Abortion Technician" | Album Review
Freak Heat Waves - "Beyond XXXL" | Album Review
Full Body - "What's Good?" | Album Review
The Messthetics - "The Messthetics" | Album Review
Tundrastomper - "Clean It Up" | Album Review
BRNDA - "Thanks For Playing" | Album Review
Eric Schermerhorn - "Elegy" | Album Review
How Eric Schermerhorn is able to write music is a testament to the love of his child. We covered Flowers Now Dry, written and recorded in the lead up to the birth and death of his child, Sage, who was born March 31, 2016, and died June 25, 2016 from a Cerebral Arteriovenous Malformation. On March 3, Schermerhorn released Elegy, a nearly 16-minute wandering track chronicling his grief.