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Bleary Eyed - "Shimmer Away" | Post-Trash Premiere

by Torrey Proto

On their new single "Shimmer Away," Philly based band Bleary Eyed make brain fog sound inviting. Those familiar with the band's previous work will immediately recognize their trademark distorted blend of synths and a burst of busy drum machine beats, setting the stage for blissful hooks and hazy vocal harmonies to emerge from the muck. 

Bleary Eyed is led by DC transplant Nathaniel Salfi, backed by a rotating band that has differed with nearly every release and tour. That clearly hasn't stopped them from forming a cohesive vision and producing satisfying noise pop, caked in layers of glitchy samples and noise that create a strangely inviting atmosphere. The production is gritty, yet warm, making for an immersive sound bath that takes a hypnotic hold on you if you let it. Salfi's melodic vocals peering out through the wall of sound creates a euphoric affect. 

Bleary Eyed have carved out their own lane amongst the shoegaze hordes. Their music may fit into that descriptor, but much like the originators of the genre, they're unafraid to walk the line between calm and chaos, creating a satisfying blend of electronics and heavy guitars that reach beyond a single style or mood. "Shimmer Away" is a worthy entry into their catalog and showcases years of work refining their singular vision into the its current impressive form.