Itchy & The Nits - "Itchy & The Nits" | Album Review — POST-TRASH Post-Trash Facebook Post-Trash Twitter

Itchy & The Nits - "Itchy & The Nits" | Album Review

by Seth Daspit (@ssethate_hair)

Itchy and the Nits are today’s most genuine garage punk three-piece from Sydney, Australia. Rubbing shoulders with the likes of Gee Tee and TV Ramone – better known as Tee Vee Repairmann, who recorded this tape – Bethany (drums, vocals), Eva (guitar, vocals), and Cin (bass, vocals) dabble in moody garage riffs that their melodies imitate well, digestibly simple lyrics, and varying vocal duties that keep choruses fresh and oblivious every listen (see “Eva’s got a Parasite” or “I’m Not Listenin’”). Influenced by the likes of Nikki and the Corvette’s power-pop or the Donna’s take on girl-group rock, the Nits palm through straight-forward power chords with dead notes in-between. See “Crabs,” a firmly stated note-bender and snare-biter.

“Goner” is all about trying to get past a door cover that is ten dollars when you only have five, an honest songwriting trope that could be used more in punk. “Eva’s got a Parasite” has my favorite hook. “‘Eva’s got a parasite / ‘I got a parasite!” The song’s bass feels reminiscent of Vivian Girl’s “Tell the World.” The band’s ‘theme’ song jives seamlessly with the “Nits! / Nits! / Nits!” hook. Like a supersonic flash of orange, yellow, and red – each color paralleling Bethany, Eva, and Cin – it could be a super-theme for their own animated show. 

The blunt three-piece is one of the most eager-driven bands in Australia’s scene for the past two years and will continue to be.