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Boon - "Candle" | Track Review

by Dash Lewis (@gardenerjams)

The relentlessness of our current apocalypse is getting hard to take. Our phones buzz every few minutes with fresh tales of horror, momentary reminders that we’re simply not meant to process this much information. Somehow, because the frothy churn of capitalism must continue unabated, we’re supposed to simply factor this crushing overload into our work-life balance. Philly psych-pop quartet Boon channels this crazy-making way of life into “Candle,” the second single from their upcoming album, Bad Machine. The band says “Candle” is about how hard we’re all working to toe the line between being functional and overwhelmed, a dizzying task that seems to produce more anxiety than it quells. It’s a whirlwind of a tune, bursting at the seams with manic energy. Brendan Principato’s lyrics evoke the stress that surrounds us like thick humidity, relaying imagery of sinkholes and hungry spiders. 

Despite its whirling cacophony, “Candle” isn’t a downer jam. Principato’s circular vocal melody is an absolute earworm; it seems tailor made for moments of tremendous catharsis during live shows. Mixing engineer Ben Etter bathes every element in reverb, smearing the instruments into a bright, blissful blur. The more you listen, the easier it is to discern the syncopated highlife guitar figure or the deceptively complex drum pattern. The key takeaway from “Candle” is that though existence can be intimidating and immense, the chance for discovery is constant. Joy is still available amidst the chaos.

Boon’s Bad Machine is out September 2nd via Window Sill Records.