Lipsticism - "Worth" | Post-Trash Premiere — POST-TRASH Post-Trash Facebook Post-Trash Twitter

Lipsticism - "Worth" | Post-Trash Premiere

by Patrick Pilch (@pratprilch)

Lipsticism is Chicago-based electronic musician Alana Schachtel. The project has a new record out via Earth Libraries on 12/2 called Two Mirrors Facing Each Other, and today we’ve got a sneak preview of the accompanying visuals to “Worth.” Directed by Paz Mallea and Til Will, the video follows a digital humanoid and their stuffed rabbit reanimated by a spectral mirror hand. The pair enter a different dimension, scale infinite, and shatter the mirrorworld plane before recognizing their invincibility while soaring among the clouds. They save a cat stuck in a tree, a turtle on its back, and make it back in one piece before morning. It’s a fun watch and a vivid representation of Lipsticism’s hovering, dreamlike tunes. 

The track itself pairs Schachtel’s gentle vocal melodies, almost reminiscent of a lullaby, with arpeggiated synths and a steady rhythmic whirr akin to Animal Collective’s most percussively shuffling tracks. “Worth” is an especially reflective and forgiving moment on Two Mirrors, as Schachtel seems to grapple with perfectionism and self critique. It’s a vulnerable moment the singer lets us listen in on, and an exciting highlight before the release of the full record. Mirrors are pretty wild! Barbers, ballerinas, and elevator-riders lookout: sometimes mirrors are portals to another dimension, especially ones facing each other. Cross over with Lipsticism on 12/2 and check out the video to “Worth” below: