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All Hits - "Sugar Supply" | Post-Trash Premiere

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by Dan Goldin (@post_trash_)

Two weeks ago we were introduced to Portland’s All Hits and subsequently named their first single “Blockhead” one of the best of the week. The band are set to release their full length debut, Men And Their Work via Iron Lung Records (Geld, Gag, C.H.E.W.) this coming Friday, June 26th and much like their band name applies, there isn’t a dud in the bunch. From the detached feedback of the album’s intro to the hyper-speed punk of the brilliantly named “World Is A Fuck,” the Pacific NW trio make post-punk with a heaping amount of dissonance and strength. Their songs feel like calls-to-arm, a set of feminist punk anthems that share a message, without being over-serious. These are hits, all hits, and it’s damn fun.

“Sugar Supply,” the record’s second single opens with a barreling bass line that snakes around a tightly wound groove before the guitar feedback sneaks in, just poking its head out, like the calm before the storm. The dense rhythm permeates the mix, with the commanding vocals offering the counterpoint in the form of a casually shouted melody. The guitars eventually come scrapping in, the entire song working its way through a corrosive din, while All Hits keep their knotted rhythm steadily driving forward. It’s a great song with subtle nuances and a sweetly crushing intensity.