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Discus - "Prodigal Son" | Post-Trash Premiere

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by Dan Goldin (@post_trash_)

The members of Chicago’s Discus are a busy bunch, but you’d never guess it listening to their laid back music. Soft AM gold grooves and wavy psych pop blend together to create something intricate but smooth as eggs. The quartet, who share members with both Varsity and Pool Holograph (as well as one of the core members of the Born Yesterday Records team), are set to release their full length debut, Something Has Happened on Balaclava Records this Fall. While details surrounding the release remain mysterious beyond that, the music speaks for itself and it’s as chill as the windy city breeze.

The record’s second single,' “Prodigal Son” is a punchy bit of power-pop and lazy Sunday indie rock, well constructed and awash in big vibes. The song reflects on life and the answers we’re all looking for, resolutions to our endless days. Jacob Stolz (guitar/vocals) sings “That’s what I’ve been missing, a little intermission / something that I can lean on / when times get rough / times get rough / and times are getting very very rough.” It’s that quest for the break in the stress of it all, something just off in the distance, and never quite close enough. Discus are doing their part to give you that break.