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Sweet Baby Jesus - "Restless Angel" | Post-Trash Premiere


by Dan Goldin (@post_trash_)

You’d be forgiven for thinking a song called “Restless Angel” by a band called Sweet Baby Jesus is some sort of Christian rock jam, but as we all know, the DIY collective are far from it. Better associated as one of the cities favorite party bands, SBJ like to fly their freak flag high, always in the name of good times rock ‘n’ roll bliss. Set to release their sophomore album Discount Magic on July 5th (with a release show at Mercury Lounge the same night), their pursuit of joyous rock is instantly achieved on “Restless Angel,” the album’s second single. While firmly rooted in positive vibes rock, Sweet Baby Jesus blend in touches of gospel, soul, garage punk, and a hint of funk, each element informing the sound of their record, but never fully steering it in one direction.

Their majestic sound, which the band have coined “medieval R&B,” has grown further majestic with the addition of saxophonist Carolyn Hietter, whose contributions are instantly felt on “Restless Angel.” The song grooves forward like AM Gold, a carefree melody and big skronks of melodic sax lead the way, and it feels something like the DIY “Walking on Sunshine,” you just want to skip down the street and spin around light poles. Yep… it’s that kind of song. Sweet Baby Jesus mastermind Max Brown croon and howls, switching between bright 70’s pop and soul screeches at the very top of his register, each offering their own infectious aura. I’m not sure any band is having as much fun as Sweet Baby Jesus.