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Plums - "Wendy" | Post-Trash Premiere


by Dan Goldin (@post_trash_)

The first thought I had upon hearing Plums was, "this is pretty weird" which is a ringing endorsement in the context of a first impression. With a heavenly falsetto that nearly sounds helium induced, swirling synths and plodding keys, the band's new single "Wendy" is pure off-kilter pop, part dreamscape, part carnival nightmare. Like I said, it's kinda weird. The band, split between Boston and New York, have a soulful element to their experimental pop, reminiscent of early Portugal. The Man and maybe a touch of MGMT or of Montreal. Set to release their sophomore EP, conveniently titled, EP02, on September 7th via Forged Artifacts, the three years since their debut have done them good, marking a change from lo-fi to grandiose gestures of summer pop swoon.

"Wendy" darts between epic orchestration with a swirling psych undercurrent and a more sinister tonality, something kinda deranged but covered in so much sickly sweet candy shell it's hard to crack on first listen. The song is a great starting point for the lunacy explored on EP02, a more than meets the eye kind of gentle psych pop excursion into the beyond. Floating above the clouds on all counts, Plums are creating their own sound with swelling strings, glam posturing, and bedroom pop intimacy.

Plums' EP02 is out September 7th via Forged Artifacts. The band will also reissue their debut, Jen, on the same date.