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Glued - "Insides" EP | Post-Trash Premiere


by Dan Goldin (@post_trash_)

For anyone paying attention, St. Louis' Glued made a name for themselves in "the underground" last year via their debut and sophomore EPs, two releases that came in quick succession and helped to establish them as one of the better DIY bands self-releasing records to the internet. Sure enough, people have since taken notice. The band's latest EP, Insides, due out March 27th via Sooper Records (Nnamdi Ogbonnaya, Longface, Not For You) is another whirlwind blend of shoegaze, post-hardcore, and fuzzy indie rock, lush with sweeping melodies and an avalanche of guitars played at top volume. The band never stay in the same place for too long, weaving between discordant punk and blistering pop hooks.

The first single and album opener, "Travis," is an incredible way to kick off the record, a long winding hypnotic bludgeoning of twisted riffs and bent rhythms that sprawls forward for over two minutes before Chelsi Webster's (drums/vocals) sweet melody brings the song into pop-friendly territory. It's a comfort after a strong storm, halting the menacing drive only momentarily before the band pick back up and continue to dig in, letting loose again in enormous blurred walls of sound. "Yellow Tape" keeps the momentum going with a jittery post-punk burner that recalls Jawbox. It's tight, unnerving, and brilliantly disjointed. "Filling Space" and "Soft Pop" both embrace the band's poppiest instincts with sugary harmonies and big melodic riffs that float in space just beyond the massive bass line. The band's ever tangled brilliance in full display at they contort heavy moments into serene bliss. Glued are already a great band, and we haven't even made it to the full-length yet.