Stephen Malkmus - "Groove Denied" | Album Review
State Champion - "Send Flowers" | Album Review
The world that exists in Louisville’s State Champion’s Send Flowers is one cloaked in profound absurdity. It’s a place where you might lose your soul in “a gentleman’s hall in Tijuana” and have the manager offer to send it back home to you if he finds it, where cicadas harmonize with dial tones, where you can “unplug the stars from the sky.”
Hand Habits - "Placeholder" | Album Review
Elizabeth Colour Wheel - "Nocebo" | Album Review
Max Gowan - "Bygones" | Album Review
Young Jesus - "The Whole Thing Is Just There" | Album Review
Young Jesus doesn’t get lumped into typical genres and “FFO” tags very often. They are four musical boundary pushers possessing a sharpened, unique set of characteristics to the way they jam. Complete with a philosophical backing, their music surges through moments of calculated improvisation and engulfing lyrical depth
Leggy - "Let Me Know Your Moon" | Album Review
Exhalants - "Exhalants" | Album Review
Bruiser and Bicycle - "Woods Come Find Me" | Album Review
Tredici Bacci - "La Fine Del Futuro" | Album Review
The Snakes - "The Snakes" | Album Review
Piroshka - "Brickbat" | Album Review
Shady Bug - "Lemon Lime" | Album Review
Motherhood - "Dear Bongo" | Album Review
The three-piece from Fredericton, NB have been touring both Canada and the US for several years, and they released their new album, Dear Bongo, right before heading out on another. This gives everyone in North America a chance to catch them live, and is it ever worth it, because the album doesn't so much take you on a ride as it does roll with you down a hill, laughing and shouting.
Herzog - "Me Vs. You" | Album Review
The Twilight Sad - "It Won/t Be Like This All The Time" | Album Review
Guided By Voices - "Zeppelin Over China" | Album Review
Robert Pollard and his most recent ensemble of Doug Gillard, Bobby Bare Jr., Kevin March, and Mark Shue appear to be going through another renaissance. 25 years later, they are still putting out incredible, weird, and endlessly catchy rock and roll. The spectacular new double album Zeppelin Over China is a collection of soaring choruses and big riffs.