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The Deals - "Tootsie Pop" | Post-Trash Premiere

by Dan Goldin (@post_trash_)

A few months back The Deals shared “Freeway,” their first new music in three years, a song that seemed to veer away from the jangly power-pop we’ve always associated them with into shoegaze territory. Today the Chicago based band return with another new single, and they’re back to shimmering with big pop hooks and easy melodies. While no new album has been announced as of now, “Tootsie Pop” is a promising sign of anything that’s to come, a song that captures the band’s lighthearted nature and their knack for sugary earworms.

Comprised of Joe Suihkonen (guitar/vocals), Emerson Hunton (drums), Aaron O'Neill (bass), Margaret McCarthy (vocals), and Josh Harlow (synth), The Deals glide into the bliss on their new single, the whole song blossoming forward from the opening line, “there’s nothing better than a second act”. While “Tootsie Pop” seems to revolve around not living up to specific expectations, you’d never know it wasn’t otherwise exuberant as the gang vocals hit, drums roll, harmonies swell, and the guitars bounce with delicate boogie. There’s references to Sublime on the radio and the best of all lollipops, of course, and it feels pretty damn good. The video, directed by Ian Kelly captures all the tootsie pop action you can hope for.